Congressman David Rivera’s Week in Review- Week of August 8th

Aug 15, 2011 Issues: Cuba, Economy and Jobs, Foreign Affairs, Health

Miami, Fla.- Congressman David Rivera (FL-25) was in South Florida last week.

Congressman Rivera Applauds 11th Circuit Court Ruling Individual Mandate Unconstitutional

Congressman Rivera released the following statement on Friday after the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the individual mandate in the health care legislation that was signed into law by President Barack Obama last year unconstitutional. 

“At a time when our national debt is at more than $14 trillion and nearly 14 million Americans are unemployed, we need to encourage economic growth and prosperity instead of imposing punitive measures on American families and job creators. 

“In today’s 11th circuit court decision, the three judge panel wrote that the individual mandate ‘represents a wholly novel and potentially unbound assertion of Congressional authority: the ability to compel Americans to purchase an expensive health insurance product they have elected not to buy.’  I agree with the court that it is completely beyond the powers granted to Congress to force individuals to buy products they don’t necessarily want or need. 

To read Congressman Rivera’s full statement on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling the individual mandate unconstitutional, click here.

Congressman Rivera Reiterates Support for Travel Restrictions to Cuba

American citizens began traveling to Cuba last week as a result of relaxed travel restrictions to the island granted by President Obama.  Congressman Rivera reiterated his support for increased travel restrictions.  He noted that opening up travel to Cuba from the United States, without requiring changes on the part of the Castro regime in regards to human rights and free and open democratic elections, would only be a unilateral concession by the United States that would help enrich the Castro regime.

Rep. David Rivera, a South Florida Republican who has submitted an amendment to the Foreign Relations Authorization Act that would not only eliminate the people-to-people exchanges but also limit visits by Cuban-Americans to once every three years, has a few answers.

“Cuba is a totalitarian society where every aspect of life, for residents and visitors, is controlled by a communist dictatorship which has also been designated a sponsor of terrorism by our government,’’ he said in answer to a query from The Miami Herald. “The type of travel being pushed by the Obama administration only serves to strengthen the Castro regime by providing hard currency resources to maintain its oppressive government.”

When Congress resumes after the August recess, he said, “I intend to continue supporting measures aimed at preventing the Obama administration from lifting sanctions on Cuba and giving more unilateral concessions to the Castro dictatorship.’’

(“People-to-people tours to Cuba take off Thursday”, Mimi Whitefield, The Miami Herald, August 1, 2011)

Congressman Rivera Calls for Cancellation of Concert at Taxpayer-Funded Arena

Congressman Rivera expressed his support for the cancellation of the Pablo Milanes concert which is scheduled for later this month at the American Airlines Arena in Miami, a public facility which is owned by the taxpayers of Miami-Dade County.  Milanes is a vocal proponent of the Castro regime, which has been designated a sponsor of terrorism by the United States government. The regime simultaneously supports the Cuban performer financially and otherwise.

Congressman Rivera made the following statement about why he supports cancellation of the concert: 

"The taxpayers of Miami-Dade County, who are the owners of the American Airlines Arena, should not have their tax dollars and public resources used for events that only serve to further the interests of a terrorist regime like the Castro dictatorship.  No terrorist government, terrorist organization, or representative of a terrorist government should have access to taxpayer-subsidized facilities in our community."  

District Activities: Miami Job Fair

Congressman Rivera  joined  Miami-Dade residents on Saturday at a job fair hosted by state law makers.  State Senator Anitere Flores and State Representatives Frank Artiles, Michael Bileca, Jeanette Nuñez and Carlos Trujillo hosted more than 40 employers at their job fair at Belen Jesuit Preparatory School in western Miami-Dade County.  More than 1,500 job seekers attended the event, and had the opportunity to speak with representatives from companies and organizations including Chase Bank, Miami Children’s Hospital, Macy’s and Florida International University. 

District Activities: Third Annual Gus Machado Ford Community and Back to School Fair

Congressman Rivera visited the third annual Gus Machado Ford Community and Back to School Fair on Saturday at the Gus Machado Ford dealership in Hialeah.  The event was presented by the Gus Machado Family Foundation and featured representatives from Congressman Rivera’s office, Congressman Mario Diaz Balart’s (FL-21) office, the American Cancer Society, the Hialeah Lions Club, the Children’s Trust, the Hialeah Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Hialeah Police Department and others.

Each year the Gus Machado Family Foundation hosts the event to provide information and services about community programs that are available to local families during the back to school season.  Families at the event enjoyed games and refreshment, and the first 100 children received book bags with school supplies donated by the Gus Machado Family Foundation.   

District Activities: Venezuelan Coalition of Democratic Unity

Congressman Rivera spoke at an event co-hosted by the Cuban Orthodox Party and the Venezuelan Coalition of Democratic Unity on Saturday.  The Venezuelan Coalition of Democratic Unity is made up of Venezuelan political parties that came together in 2008 in opposition of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.  At Saturday’s event, the group announced that they are planning a primary election to select a candidate to oppose Chavez in the next Venezuelan national election. 

Congressman Rivera spoke about the importance and value of opposition group efforts in Venezuela that are working to ensure a free and open democratic process in their country.  The Congressman commended the opposition leaders on their efforts, and noted the important relationship between Venezuelan opposition leaders and Cuban exile leaders who can find common cause against totalitarian regimes with no regard for civil liberties. 

District Activities: Nicaraguan Equestrian Association Festival

Congressman Rivera attended the Granada Equestrian Parade and the Santo Domingo de Guzman Festival hosted by the Nicaraguan Equestrian Association.  The event was held in southwest Miami-Dade County and featured a parade, folk dances and a trophy presentation.  Congressman Rivera spoke to the attendees about the positive contributions the Nicaraguan-American community makes to our state and our nation.