Congressman David Rivera’s Week in Review: Week of June 11th

Washington, DC- Congressman David Rivera (FL-25) was in his South Florida district last week.

Congressman Rivera Commemorates U.S. Army’s 237th Birthday

Congressman Rivera released the following statement on Thursday in commemoration of the U.S. Army’s 237th anniversary.

“Today we celebrate 237 years of the U.S. Army.  With roots in the Revolutionary War, America’s oldest and largest military branch has always risen to the challenge of keeping us safe; whether it be defending our freedoms at home and abroad or defending democracy around the world. 

“As we commemorate this important anniversary, I salute the brave men and women who keep our Army strong.  Their loyalty and commitment to service is part of what makes our country great.  We owe them and their families a debt of gratitude for their selflessness.

“Happy 237th Birthday to the U.S. Army.   Thank you for always answering the Nation’s call to service.”

Congressman Rivera Calls for Release of Cuban Political Prisoner Antúnez

On Monday Congressman Rivera called for the Castro regime to immediately release opposition leader Jorge Luis Garcia Perez, known as “Antúnez”.  Antúnez was arrested and beaten over the previous weekend and has not been heard from since Saturday.  He testified on Thursday by phone at a U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing on “Countering Repression and Strengthening Civil Society in Cuba”. 

“Jorge Luis Garcia Perez, known as Antúnez, was jailed and brutally beaten and has not been heard from since Saturday evening.  His crime? Antúnez expressed his opinion about the Castro regime’s repressive tactics and stressed the importance of spreading the word internationally about the efforts of Cuban heroic dissidents.  For this, Antúnez was arrested as Castro thugs beat him and doused him with pepper spray. 

“This is unacceptable as yet another example of the Castro regime’s practice of squelching human rights and resorting to violence against those who oppose the dictatorship. 

“I am greatly concerned for Antúnez’s health and safety.  I call on human rights groups such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch to not only demand his immediate release, and the release of all Cuba’s political prisoners, but to also bring international attention to his efforts and the plight of Cuba’s dissidents,” Congressman Rivera said.

Congressman Rivera on Obama Administration Immigration Announcement

Congressman Rivera made the following statement on Friday regarding the announcement by the Obama Administration to offer deferred action on deportation for undocumented young people who are low enforcement priorities.

“There is a need to address and take action on the issue of immigration reform.  However, it needs to be a deliberative process to implement actual solutions.  The Obama Administration’s announcement today is nothing more than a temporary election year band aid.  President Obama has failed to lead on the issue of immigration reform in the 112th Congress.   He continues that track record by circumventing the legislature with the announcement today, instead of working with Congressional leaders to find permanent solutions. 

“There are thousands of undocumented young people who were brought to this country illegally through no fault of their own who deserve a chance at life in America, particularly those who serve in the military and those who are seeking higher education and want to use their talents in the United States.   The Obama Administration does these young people a disservice by implementing a policy by executive order that provides no long-term security.”

District Activities: Unveiling of the FIU Hall of Presidents

Congressman Rivera attended the unveiling of the Florida International University Hall of Presidents on Thursday.   FIU’s Hall of Presidents pays tribute to the past presidents of FIU—Founding President Charles Perry, President Harold Crosby and President Emeritus Gregory Wolfe.  The event paid tribute to immediate past President and President Emeritus Modesto Maidique who served as President of the university for 23 years from 1986 until 2009.