

National organizations honor Congressman Lamborn:Americans for Tax Reform, Alliance for Worker Freedom, American Shareholders Association


Congressman Lamborn receives award from Americans for Tax Reform

Congressman Lamborn receives award from Alliance for Worker Freedom

Congressman Lamborn receives award from the American Shareholders Association


Washington, Jul 1, 2008 -


Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) continues to gain national recognition for his strong leadership in promoting the conservative agenda in Washington. Lamborn released the following statement after receiving the “Hero of the Taxpayer Award” from the Americans for Tax Reform, the “Guardian of Worker Freedom Award” from the Alliance for Worker Freedom, and the “Friend of the Shareholder” award from the American Shareholders Association:

“I am proud and pleased with these awards I have received. It is a great honor to be recognized for my consistent voting record on the important issues that these esteemed organizations represent. My priorities remain consistently in-line with those of my constituents in Colorado’s Fifth District. These three awards show my dedication to lowering taxes, fighting for small businesses, and protecting shareholders in Colorado.” –Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

The Alliance for Worker Freedom’s “Guardian of Worker Freedom Award” is an annual award given to Representatives who voted for freedom and opportunity for workers against special interest and regulatory control. The Alliance for Worker Freedom is dedicated to combating anti-worker legislation and promoting free and open labor markets. 

“Rep. Lamborn clearly knows the difference between being pro-worker freedom or a union-puppet. When it comes to keeping American workers and our economy competitive, Rep. Lamborn is a tremendous advocate for a twenty-first century workforce.”—Brian M. Johnson, AWF Executive Director 

The Americans for Tax Reform “Hero of the Taxpayer Award” is based on annual ratings given to elected officials who support the pro-taxpayer agenda. Americans for Tax Reform is a nonprofit organization that opposes all tax increases and believes in a minimized government system in which taxes are simpler, fairer, flatter, lower, and more visible than they are today.

“Many promises are made prior to coming to Washington, especially that of lower taxes. However, these promises are not always upheld. Constituents deserve to know who has kept their pledge and worked for taxpayer’s interests, and are not beholden to special interests. Americans for Tax Reform applauds Representative Douglas Lamborn’s commitment to taxpayers nationwide.”—Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform

The American Shareholders Association gives the “Friend of the Shareholder” award to congressional members who vote in favor of America’s shareholding majority. The American Shareholders Association was founded in 2001 to represent the interests of the majority of adults and two-thirds of voters who own shares of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs. Whether they hold these shares in taxable brokerage accounts or tax-advantaged vehicles like IRAs and 401(k), they have a direct interest in preventing the government from enacting policies that will shrink shareholder wealth. 
