Gateway to Knowledge Guest Post #9

This is the ninth in a series of guest posts by Abigail Van Gelder (from a stop Oct. 22–23 in Anderson, Ind.), who with her husband, Josh, is journeying across the country on the Library’s “Gateway to Knowledge” traveling exhibition:

As the weather is turning colder our welcome to communities is getting warmer.  With summer activities winding down around the country we are still rolling, giving folks something to get out and come see.

The Anderson Public Library gave us quite a parking spot, their entire front lot, to be exact.  So I shouldn’t have been surprised when a group of Home School families were waiting at the steps for us to open on Friday.

I can’t think of a better way to start my day; we had a chance to talk with all of them and find out a little more about the Anderson area.

The library was originally founded as part of Andrew Carnegie’s project to build libraries across the country; they quickly settled in as an essential part of the community.

The library soon out grew out of its walls, and the job of looking for a new building would have a surprising end.  A converted Sears & Roebuck store was selected and has been a hub of activity since.  We were able to be a part of the wonderful connection the staff has to their patrons.

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