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Larson Statement on Retirement of Congressman Norm Dicks

WASHINGTON –House Democratic Caucus Chairman John B. Larson (CT) released the following statement today after House Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Norm Dicks (D-WA) announced he will not run for reelection:

“As I’m sure his fellow Huskies will tell you, Norm Dicks is a great man to have on your team. From protecting our national parks to standing up for our national security, Norm has dedicated his life to public service, defending the interests of not just his constituents in Washington, but of all Americans. His leadership was especially crucial in keeping the KC-X Tanker from going overseas and in solidifying support for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter - both of which mean jobs here in America and a stronger national defense.

Norm’s intelligence, passion, and dedication will be sorely missed here in the House. But I wish him, his wife Suzie and their family all the best as they move on to new things.”

House Democrats

     Democratic Caucus           U.S. House of Representatives