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What a Repeal of the Affordable Care Act Would Mean

Two years ago, House Democrats joined with President Barack Obama to pass the Affordable Care Act. By eliminating pre-existing conditions, closing the Medicare donut hole, and extending coverage for 2.5 million young adults, the Affordable Care Act is increasing access to health care for every American.

Now, Republicans want to repeal the law – taking away middle class benefits and protections and putting your healthcare back in the hands of the special interests that have driven up healthcare costs year after year.

Here are just a few of the consequences if Republicans get their way:

Millions of Americans would pay more for preventative health care services.

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, 86 million Americans – including seniors in Medicare and Americans in private plans – have received free preventative services, such as check-ups and cancer screenings.

You or your child could be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Imagine if your child had a serious medical condition and no insurer was willing to provide coverage. How would you get the care your child needed? Pre-existing conditions are a reality for millions of Americans and thanks to the Affordable Care Act it’s now illegal to deny coverage to children because of a pre-existing condition. In 2014, it will be illegal to discriminate against anyone with a pre-existing condition.

Seniors would pay more for prescription drugs and health care coverage.

The Republican plan for Medicare is to end it as we know it. The House Republican budget ends the Medicare guarantee and would dramatically increase health care costs for seniors. Democrats are committed to strengthening Medicare and making health care and prescription drugs more affordable to American seniors. The Affordable Care Act is keeping this promise and has saved seniors in the prescription drug ‘donut hole’ more than $3 billion – an average of $635 per senior.

Small businesses would pay more to purchase coverage for their employees.

As the economy continues to recover, it is crucial that small businesses aren’t hindered by burdensome health care costs. The Affordable Care Act provides small business owners with tax breaks and requires that insurance companies spend 80 cents of every premium dollar on either providing care or improving care. Now, small businesses can focus on expanding their shops, hiring new employees and getting this economy going again.

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Donna Edwards

Representing the 4th District of MD
<a href="/members/donna-edwards">Donna Edwards</a>

Meet Congresswoman Donna Edwards and you’ll immediately sense her strong energy and enthusiasm for her work on behalf of people in her community. According to Edwards – who represents portions of Maryland’s Prince George’s and Montgomery counties – the experience so far has “been really invigorating – exciting.”

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