• Apr 09 2010

    Air Force Minority Leaders Program

    $20,000,000 (for nationwide program)

    Funding will be used to support the Air Force Minority Leaders Program which works with Historically Black Colleges and Universities, including Tennessee State University, to advance materials research programs for new Air Force technologies.

  • Mar 26 2010

    Alternative Energy Research


    This project will help University of Tennessee scientists to research which plants are best suited to remove carbon dioxide pollution from the air and also to develop technology for the use of plants to produce clean energy. This project was recommended by the Interim University of Tennessee President.

  • Mar 17 2010

    Arnold Engineering Development Center Power Distribution Modernization


    Funding would be used to modernize a power distribution system – built in the 1950’s – that cannot today accommodate one of the Defense Department’s largest supercomputers and one of the world’s largest jet engine and aeronautics testing facilities
  • Mar 26 2010

    Big South Fork Conservation Project


    Funding would allow the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area to purchase a 50-acre tract of land – the last remaining privately-held parcel within the authorized boundary of Big South Fork that is completely surrounded by federal lands.  This project is Big South Fork’s highest-ranked land acquisition project.

  • Apr 09 2010

    C-130 Cargo Rail Systems


    Funding would be used to install cargo rail systems on C-130 aircraft operated by the 118th Airlift Wing of the Tennessee National Guard. The 118th Airlift Wing currently operates 6 WC-130H aircraft without cargo rails that cannot be used for C-130 training.  The 118th Airlift Wing is a training unit that trains pilots on the full operation of C-130 aircraft and this new rail system will allow the 118th to fully use all its aircraft for training.  This project is recommended by the Adjutant General of the State of Tennessee.

  • Mar 26 2010

    Campbell and Scott County Waterlines


    Funding would be used to provide safe public drinking water to 100 households in the Pioneer area that are without safe, clean water.  The project will also provide an emergency connection between three utility districts to allow an alternative water source if contamination or drought occurs.

  • Mar 26 2010

    Cellulosic Ethanol Production Research


    Funding for this project will be used to develop new varieties of plants that can easily be turned into biofuels but grow on land that is not intensively utilized currently.   This project was recommended by the Interim University of Tennessee President.      

  • Mar 26 2010

    Center Hill Dam


    Funding would be used to permanently repair the Center Hill Dam. Since its construction in 1951, seepage problems have cost millions of dollars for constant upkeep and has increased risk of dam failure, threatening downtown Nashville with flooding. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Dam Safety Portfolio Risk Assessment ranked Center Hill Dam as a Class I dam safety project -- the highest priority of all Corps dams.

  • Mar 26 2010

    Chickamauga Lock – Construction


    Funding for this project would be used to continue construction on the Chickamauga Lock located just north of Chattanooga. The current Lock moves 2.4 million tons of cargo up and down the Tennessee River every year, and has an unmet cargo demand of an additional 4.3 million tons annually. Because cargo traffic currently carried by truck could be transported by water after this project is complete, this project would take more than 100,000 tractor trailer trucks off I-75 between Chattanooga and Knoxville each year.

  • Mar 26 2010

    City of Harrogate Water/Sewer


    Funding would be used to help build a sewer system to provide clean drinking water and wastewater treatment to a region that is currently served by septic systems.  The City of Harrogate is home to one of Tennessee’s fastest growing Universities in the state and this project will help make sure the community is able to sustain its growth.   

  • Mar 26 2010

    Cosby Area Infrastructure


    Funding would be used to help replace 50-year-old equipment that provides water to a section of the park by installing a new 30,000-gallon above-ground reservoir, 10,300 linear feet of new distribution system piping, new valves, and new fire hydrants. Unlike the current equipment, these new components will meet all state and federal standards. This project is listed on the U.S. Department of Interior’s maintenance backlog.

  • Apr 09 2010

    Counter Drug Task Force


    Funding will be used to help the Tennessee National Guard (in coordination with state and local officials) find and destroy marijuana crops; find, eliminate, and clean up meth labs; and support law enforcement in seizing illegal drugs, among other efforts. This project is recommended by the Adjutant General of the State of Tennessee.

  • Apr 06 2010

    Drug and Violent Crime Task Force – 14th Judicial District


    Funding would be used to support the task force’s investigation of illegal drug activity, criminal and drug interdiction, and the investigation and successful prosecution of violent crimes. The 14th judical district has one of the highest rates of methamphetamine related crimes in Tennessee. This project is also being requested by Congressman Lincoln Davis.

  • Apr 06 2010

    Drug Court – Nashville


    Funding would allow for the continuation of services and expansion of a court-supervised, integrated program for non-violent offenders across Tennessee.  The project builds on a program that helps offenders with addiction and mental health disorders receive treatment, and saves taxpayer funds by reducing the offenders’ need for repeat court services and incarceration. This project was requested by Judge Norman and the Nashville Drug Court Foundation.

  • Jun 24 2010

    FEMA Disaster Assistance

    Would adjust the federal-state government cost share for disaster assistance to allow the federal government’s share to increase from 75 percent to 90 percent, an adjustment from the current standard as stated under section 406 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5172).   

  • Mar 26 2010

    Hancock County Treadway/Clinch School Waterline


    Funding would be used to extend safe public drinking water to 138 households and 151 students at a public K-12 school.  These locations are currently served by water sources with problems of contamination and sporadic access during drought conditions.

  • Mar 26 2010

    Hemlock Forest Protection Program for U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Park Service


    Funding would be used for on-the-ground treatments for protection of hemlock trees in the Cherokee National Forest and Great Smoky Mountains National Park.  The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid – and invasive pest – is killing hemlock trees in the eastern United States.  Hemlocks are vital to the ecosystem, providing protection from stream bank erosion, food and protection for wildlife, and are an important source of lumber.

  • Mar 26 2010

    Hemlock Forest Protection Project


    This project will help the University of Tennessee to expand its facilities to study and develop new ways to combat the spread of an invasive insect species that destroys hemlock trees. Hemlocks are vital to the life cycle of the forests and wildlife in Tennessee, including the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the Cherokee National Forest. This project was recommended by the Interim University of Tennessee President.

  • Apr 26 2010

    Hermitage Restoration


    Funding would be used to repair the foundation, roof flashing, mortar deterioration and water damage to the home where Andrew Jackson, the 7th President of the United States, died.

  • Apr 26 2010

    Highway 58 Connector Road


    Funding would be used to build a connector road off of US Highway 58 to Enterprise South Industrial Park which is home to a new automotive plant and a number of automotive parts suppliers.  This road will give freight access to the facility for suppliers and shipping of finished products.

  • Mar 26 2010

    Historic Rugby Historic Protection and Rehabilitation


    Funding would be used to rehabilitate the historic Uffington House, including the development of educational exhibits.  This grant requires a 100 percent match from the project sponsor.  This home is on the National Historic Register operated by the National Park Service.

  • Mar 26 2010

    Historical Collection Research and Preservation Project


    Funding will be used to construct a new facility to preserve historic artifacts and documents from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and other surrounding National Park Service facilities. The current facility is rented by the park, does not adequately protect artifacts, and is located an hour drive away.

  • Mar 17 2010

    Hobbs Road Acquisition, 134th ANG Refueling Wing


    Funding would be used to acquire the Hobbs Road property by the Tennessee Air National Guard.  The road’s location currently presents a security risk; this acquisition will allow the 134th Air Refueling Wing to improve base security and meet Department of Defense Anti- terrorism and Force Protection requirements.
  • Apr 09 2010

    Holston Army Ammunition Plant


    Funding would be used to install an electricity generation turbine that will significantly increase energy efficiency and reduce energy costs at Holston Army Ammunition Plant by approximately $1.1 million annually.  Holston Army Ammunition Plant is a government owned industrial facility that produces munitions for the US military. The project is part of ongoing continuous efforts to drive down facility costs and meet Department of Defense energy efficiency requirements.  This project is recommended by the Director of the Holston Army Ammunition Plant.

  • Apr 06 2010

    Interoperable Law Enforcement Communications Upgrade – Blount County


    Funding would be used to build an inter-operable communications system for county and local law enforcement and emergency responders. This new system for two-way radios will allow for public safety and public works departments to effectively communicate with each other and comply with the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) mandate for all two-way radio systems to meet FCC standards by 2013.

  • Mar 17 2010

    Landgraf Hanger Addition, 160th SOAR


    Funding would be used to expand the hangar for the 160th SOAR, a Special Forces helicopter unit located at Fort Campbell.  The unit has been expanded in size and it needs additional hangar space to properly house and repair helicopters they use.
  • Apr 06 2010

    Law Enforcement Innovation Center – University of Tennessee


    Funding would be used to provide new training opportunities for federal law enforcement agents to receive law enforcement, public safety and forensic science training.  Currently the Law Enforcement Innovation Center conducts training for numerous state Bureaus of Investigation, including the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.  This project was requested by the president of the University of Tennessee.

  • Mar 17 2010

    Logistics Support Operations Facility


    Funding would be used to build a new medical support operations center for the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR) at Fort Campbell.  The special operations aviators work in 50-year old buildings that don’t meet current needs and those facilities are scheduled for demolition under the whole barracks renewal program. The new facility will be closer to the Fort Campbell Army Airfield and will help the 160th to better organize, train, and support personel.
  • Apr 26 2010

    Memphis International Airport Runway Improvements


    Funding would be used to improve airport taxiways that cross over Winchester Road. This project will improve taxiways to withstand a significant earthquake.

  • Mar 26 2010

    Nashville Riverfront


    Funding for this project would be used to support Nashville’s riverfront development. This funding was authorized in the 2007 Water Resources Development Act and would be used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in partnership with the Nashville Metro Government.

  • Apr 06 2010

    National Advocacy Center


    Funding would be used to provide training to prosecutors from diverse jurisdictions across the nation, including Tennessee. This project is also being requested by a number of Senators from other states.

  • Mar 26 2010

    North Cumberlands / Emory River Land Conservation Project


    Funding would be used to purchase 4,106 acres that represent a piece of a larger 127,000 acre land conservation project on the Cumberland Plateau. This project was requested by the president in his Fiscal Year 2011 budget and is the number-one ranked U.S. Forest Service Forest Legacy Project in Tennessee.

  • Mar 26 2010

    North Stewart Utility District Water Treatment Plant


    Funding would be used to provide safe public drinking water and minimum fire flow requirements to a 93.75 square-mile area without safe, clean water.   

  • Apr 26 2010

    Northwest TN Port at Cates Landing


    Funding would be used to develop transportation, infrastructure and rail needs at the Northwest Tennessee Regional Port and Industrial Park in Lake County Tennessee.

  • Mar 26 2010

    Oak Ridge National Lab and Lincoln Memorial University – Energy Research and Demonstration


    Funding for this project would be used to research the long term viability of geothermal technology and give undergraduates first hand instruction from DOE research scientists on cutting edge green energy production.  Funding will be used to develop a geothermal power site on Lincoln Memorial University’s campus that will be staffed by scientists from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

  • Apr 06 2010

    Operation Safe Community (Anti-Gang Task Force)


    Funding would provide support for law enforcement operations to fight gang-related and violent crime in Shelby County. Operation Safe Community is a joint initiative between The City of Memphis, Shelby County, The Shelby County District Attorney General, the United States Attorney for West Tennessee and the University of Memphis in conjunction with law enforcement and business leadership. This project was recommended by Memphis Mayor Wharton, President Raines of the University of Memphis, and Shelby County Sherriff Luttrell.

  • Mar 25 2010

    Pellissippi Research Centre on the Oak Ridge Corridor


    Funding will be used to complete the installation of new facilities at the Pellissippi Centre, a research and development (R&D) campus strategically located between the University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL), which is a federal facility whose mandate from the U.S. Dept of Energy is to advance scientific discovery for the benefit of the American economy. The Pellissippi Centre will enable private sector development of new products and services based on basic scientific research at ORNL and UT.

  • Apr 21 2010

    Physician Training Center


    Funding would help construct a new training center that will be used by scientists, physicians, clinicians and medical students to learn about the research advances pioneered at St. Jude, the only National Cancer Institute-designated pediatric Comprehensive Cancer Center in the country.

  • Apr 26 2010

    Pidgeon Harbor Industrial Park


    Funding would be used by the City of Memphis to provide increased freight loading and unloading at the harbor’s industrial sites.

  • Mar 26 2010

    Pidgeon Industrial Harbor Project


    Funding for this project would be used to support dredging activities by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Pidgeon Industrial Harbor in Memphis. This would allow barges to load and offload cargo at the harbor. This project also is being requested by Congressman Cohen.

  • Mar 26 2010

    Pigeon Forge Wastewater System


    Funding would be used to provide a new wastewater treatment plant and force main for the city’s 11 million annual visitors and 6,000 permanent residents.  

  • Mar 26 2010

    Ramsey House Historic Protection and Rehabilitation


    Funding would be used to repair structural deficiencies and rehabilitate the Ramsey House home to improve public access for visitors, including students from Knox County Schools.  This grant requires a 100 percent match from the project sponsor.  This home is on the National Historic Register operated by the National Park Service.

  • Mar 26 2010

    Regional Groundwater Protection Study


    Funding would be used by the U.S. Geological Survey to study groundwater contamination threats and develop a comprehensive plan for reducing the level of contamination in a 5,000 square-mile area in Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas.  This project was recommended by the Shelby County Mayor.

  • Apr 06 2010

    Regional Law Enforcement Center – Hamilton County


    Funding would be used to build a new training center that will serve the needs of 26 local, state and federal agencies from the 10 counties that comprise Tennessee Homeland Security District 3.  The facility would not only support training for more than 1,500 officers, but also be the communication center from which regional emergency and homeland security responses would be directed.  This project was requested by the Mayors of Hamilton County and Chattanooga.

  • Mar 26 2010

    Rocky Fork Forest Conservation Project


    Funding would allow the Cherokee National Forest to purchase property known as Rocky Fork Tract (an approximately 10,000-acre tract of land adjacent to existing national forest) which is one of the largest remaining tracts of pristine wilderness in the eastern United States. This project was requested by the president in his Fiscal Year 2011 budget and is the U.S. Forest Service’s highest-ranked land acquisition project.

  • Apr 21 2010

    Science and Math Teacher Training


    Funding would be used to develop and commence a new degree program for students that will become elementary and middle-school teachers that specialize in teaching science, technology and math.

  • Apr 26 2010

    Statewide Mass Transportation Program


    Funding would be used to purchase and improve mass transit systems across the state of Tennessee – including busing and light rail. Improved mass transit will reduce congestion in Tennessee’s cities as well as, for example, help provide hospital transportation for rural Tennesseans.

  • Jun 28 2010

    Teach For America


    Funding would be used to support the Teach For America network to ensure that students achieve academic success despite the challenges they face.  Every federal dollar invested in Teach for America will leverage at least $4 in private, state, or local funds. 

  • Mar 26 2010

    Tennessee Conservation Assistance Program


    This funding provides technical assistance to Tennessee farmers and landowners to help them navigate the bureaucracy and take full advantage of all of the federal, state and local agriculture and conservation programs available to them.

  • Apr 06 2010

    Tennessee Methamphetamine Task Force


    Funding would be used to train and equip local law enforcement officers throughout the State of Tennessee in a cooperative effort to combat the manufacture, distribution and use of methamphetamines, both domestic and foreign. The Tennessee Methamphetamine Task Force partners with different law enforcement agencies, first responders, social workers, health professionals, the National Guard, community groups and environmental agencies. This project was recommended by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.

  • Apr 26 2010

    U.S. Route 51


    Funding would be used to improve U.S. 51 in South Memphis, which is part of a broader initiative to revitalize one of the most visited areas in the city. This project is recommended by the Mayors of Shelby County and the City of Memphis.

  • Mar 25 2010

    University of Memphis Small Business Center


    Funding for this project will provide the Memphis Metropolitan area and the Mid-South Region with the expertise and tools necessary to drive new business growth. Experts from the Cecil C. Humphrey’s School of Law, Fogelman Business College, FedEx Institute of Technology, and the Workforce Advanced Distribution Learning Co-Lab will help entrepreneurs in evaluating and developing business plans, assisting with business intelligence research, providing workforce development information, and evaluating technologies.

  • Apr 21 2010

    Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital


    Funding would be used to purchase surgical and imaging equipment necessary for complex surgery and specialized care not offered in other pediatric facilities in middle Tennessee, southern Kentucky, and northern Alabama.

  • Apr 09 2010

    Wheeled Vehicle Virtual Operations Trainer


    Funding would be used to purchase training equipment for the Tennessee National Guard. Wheeled Vehicle Virtual Operations Trainers allow soldiers operating military vehicles to train in different combat scenarios. This project is recommended by the Adjutant General of the State of Tennessee.

  • Mar 26 2010

    Wolf Creek Dam


    Funding would be used to repair the Wolf Creek Dam. Seepage has caused zones of high water pressure in the embankment next to the dam, posing a significant risk of dam failure and threatening the surrounding communities with flooding. Funding would be used to continue building a cutoff wall to prevent seepage into the embankment.