
Rehberg Urges House to Include Extension for Secure Rural Schools

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, last week sent a letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) requesting a one-year extension of the Secure Rural Schools program in the Continuing Resolution expected to be voted on this week in the House.  This program provides federal funding to counties for local schools and transportation projects throughout Montana.


“It’s essential that Congressional leaders do not lose sight the unique needs of Montana’s rural communities,” said Rehberg, a member of the House Appropriations Committee.  “I’m working with colleagues from rural districts in both parties to ensure that Montana and other rural states are not overlooked.  This isn’t a partisan issue.  This is about providing the best education for all our children.”


The Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act, signed into law in 2000, provides an alternative source of funding to counties that were once dependent on timber sales from federal lands. At the time the law was passed, it was estimated to provide assistance to 700 counties in 39 states.


“We’ve been working on this for three years now,” said Harold Blattie, the Executive Director of the Montana Association of Counties.  “This is a real problem with a direct impact for Montana.  I have heard about more budget difficulties this year than ever before.  If the counties that receive this money can’t anticipate the funding they are forced to lay people off – it’s costing Montana jobs.  This especially impacts rural communities. I want to express my great gratitude to Congressman Rehberg for his understanding and his willingness to step up and fight for our counties.”


Letter Text:


The Honorable Nancy Pelosi

Speaker of the House

H-232 Capitol

Washington, DC 20515


The Honorable Steny Hoyer

House Democrat Majority Leader

H-107 Capitol

Washington, D.C. 20515


The Honorable David Obey

Chairman, House Appropriations Committee

2314 Rayburn House Office Bldg.

Washington, D.C.  20515


Dear Madam Speaker, Majority Leader Hoyer, and Chairman Obey:


We write to you today to ask for your support for inclusion of a one-year extension of the Secure Rural Schools program (county payments program) in any upcoming Continuing Resolution (CR) that can be signed into law.  A year ago, Congress authorized, and the President supported, a short term extension of the Secure Rural Schools legislation in the emergency supplemental appropriations bill.  Please know that this not a partisan issue and should never be treated as such.  Too much is at stake in our rural counties, and we come to you in bipartisan spirit hoping you will help as you graciously have in the past. 


The Secure Rural Schools program aids over 600 rural counties and 4,400 school districts in 42 states.  Most of these counties have fiscal years that begin in July.  The expiration and loss of federal Secure Rural Schools funds has resulted in layoffs of critical county personnel and the cessation of a number of county services.  These counties have closed libraries, curtailed sheriff’s patrols, released prisoners from jails, ceased search and rescue operations, eliminated mental health care services, and several are considering declaring bankruptcy and giving up their county status.  


Until Congress enacts legislation which allows forested communities to properly manage federal forests to generate revenue locally and rebuild rural economies, they need our help.  As the timeline and fate of the long-term county payments provision currently under consideration in the Senate as part of a tax extenders package is still uncertain, we urge you to at least ensure a one-year emergency extension is included in a CR that can be signed into law.


Thank you again for your assistance and support in reauthorizing the critically important Secure Rural Schools program in the past, and we look forward to continuing to work with you in the very near future to bring this process to a close.


Best regards,