
Rehberg Statement on Senate Cap and Tax Legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today released the following statement in response to the introduction of Cap and Trade legislation in the United States Senate.

“Cap and tax isn’t a partisan issue.  In the House, I joined 212 Members of Congress, including 44 Democrats, in voting against similar legislation.  This is an issue that pits the interests of rural states against the power of urban ones.  That’s why not a single Representative, Republican or Democrat, from Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, North Dakota or South Dakota voted for it.  In the House, where members are apportioned by population, urban states like California can force their will on less populated states.  Fortunately, in the Senate, rural interests can’t be ignored.  I hope that the Senate continues to stand firm against any energy tax that’s designed to not only increase energy prices but destroy Montana jobs.”