
Rehberg Statement on One-Year Anniversary of Obamacare

BILLINGS, MT – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today released the following statement regarding the one-year anniversary of the enactment of Obamacare.  The most recent poll conducted by Lee Newspapers found that nearly two times as many Montanans favor repealing the law (57%) compared with those who want to keep it (34%).

“While undoubtedly well intentioned, Obamacare is simply unworkable, unconstitutional, and if left on the books will irreparably damage America’s health care system and economy.  Yet while the problems caused by Obamacare get a lot of attention, it’s easy to forget that the law also prevents us from pursuing badly needed solutions.  We desperately need common-sense reform to lower health care costs and increase access for Montana families.  Things like lawsuit reform to reduce the practice of defensive medicine, letting health insurance companies sell policies across state lines and allowing small businesses to pool their resources just like huge corporations would all reduce costs and improve access.  But as long as Obamacare is on the books, these important sparks can never ignite.”