
Rehberg Response to President Obama's State of the Union

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today released the following statement in response to President Obama’s 2012 State of the Union Address.

“At a time when we need new ideas and solutions that will create jobs and get us on the path to economic recovery, President Obama chose instead to double down on the failed polices of his administration.  Politicians in Washington will always say that jobs and the economy are a high priority.  But workers and small business owners will look past the words and evaluate these politically proposed solutions.  The President and his allies continue to blame the private sector and see government as the universal cure. For example, they see the success of the auto industry, and want to credit the government -- conveniently forgetting that Ford didn't take a penny of bailout money.  They praise massive national infrastructure projects supported by unlimited tax dollars, while blocking private infrastructure projects like the Keystone XL pipeline which will create thousands of jobs without needing a dime of taxpayer money.  They see higher taxes as the only way to reduce the deficit because spending less isn't even an option.  This approach hasn't worked, and it's time for a new direction.  What we need is true leadership in Washington, leadership through less government, lower taxes, fewer burdensome regulations, and protection from abusive litigation."