
Rehberg Offers Assistance to Montana Fire Departments For Upcoming Emergency Response Grant Deadline

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Montana's Congressman, Denny Rehberg, is offering to assist Montana fire departments seeking to secure a portion of the $210 million made available from the Department of Homeland Security's SAFER (Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response) Grant Program.  The program provides direct funding to fire departments and volunteer organizations to help improve emergency responses and increase the number of trained, "front-line" firefighters.

"The first few minutes of an emergency situation are the most critical, and an effective response can often mean the difference between life and death," said Rehberg a member of the House Appropriations Committee, and the Congressional Fire Services Caucus.  "This critical source of funding can help Montana's fire departments save lives and safely protect our communities."

The program application period begins November 16, and runs through December 18.  Rehberg will have dedicated staff members available to assist with letters of support and answer questions. The link can be found here:  Since 2005, Montana has been awarded more than $5.97 million in SAFER funding. 

"I encourage every Montana fire department to apply for these funds, and I'm offering to lend a hand through the process in any way I can," said Rehberg.  "Montana's firefighters risk their lives to protect our communities and our families.  I will continue to whole-heartedly support them in Congress."

Interested fire departments are urged to contact Rehberg's Billings District Office for more information, 1-888-232-2626.