
Rehberg Fights to Protect Impact Aid Funding for 75 Montana School Districts

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Montana's Congressman, Denny Rehberg, has cosponsored legislation to preserve the Impact Aid program in its current, successful form.  The Fair Funding for Schools Act of 2009 (H.R. 2280) maintains the funding mechanisms that benefit Montana's federally impacted schools.  The bill also protects Montana's schools from changes that would hurt rural districts and result in less funding for many Montana communities.

"Montana kids deserve the best education no matter where they live," said Rehberg, a member of the House Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Subcommittee and the Impact Aid Coalition.  "Impact Aid plays a vital role for school districts located on Montana's seven reservations and in all the state's federally impacted communities.  These districts often lack the funding that typically comes from property taxes.  Impact Aid fills that funding gap so Montana students receive a quality education."

Impact Aid is a program designed to ensure that military children, children residing on Indian lands, and children living in federally-owned low-rent housing facilities receive a quality education by providing funding to school districts that have lost tax revenue as a result of the federal presence in their district.  In 2007, Impact Aid provided $38 million in funding to 75 Montana school districts.

H.R. 2280 highlights the federal government's obligation to communities impacted by a federal presence and provides a proposal to address the changing needs of the program. It makes necessary changes to streamline the program while recognizing that the needs of federally impacted school districts differ.  At its heart, this bill seeks to maintain Impact Aid as a "need based" program and resists attempts to restructure the program in a way that would hurt rural schools and rural children.

The legislation is broadly supported by Montana school districts including those in Browning, Frazer, Box Elder, Hardin, Lame Deer, Harlem, Valier and Wolf Point.

"As Superintendent of Browning Public Schools I would like to say that we are very appreciative that Representative Rehberg has chosen to sign on to HR 2280, a bill that clearly supports the best interest of Montana Impact Aid schools," said Mary Johnson.  "Representative Rehberg has long recognized that Impact Aid is vital to the funding of Indian land schools and has been a strong advocate for Impact Aid and education.  We appreciate his continued support."