
Rehberg Expresses Surprise, Disappointment in Senate Vote to Give EPA Free Rein

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today released the following statement after the Senate voted down a measure that would have prevented the Environmental Protection Agency from enforcing any regulation of so-called “greenhouse gas” emissions.  Rehberg, who has sponsored stand-alone legislation to stop this unprecedented power grab by unelected bureaucrats, recently completed an “All of the Above Energy Tour” of Montana where he saw first-hand the impacts over-regulation can have on jobs and the economy.

“A vote for the McConnell amendment was a vote to protect jobs and stop a new energy tax on ag producers and small business owners.  A vote against the McConnell amendment was a vote to raise taxes and further hamstring our economy.  It’s just that simple.  High energy prices tipped our economy into recession and the high energy prices caused by this vote will hamper economic recovery.  It’s a real head-scratcher how any Senator from an agriculture and energy producing state like Montana could vote to let unelected bureaucrats raise the price of fertilizer and energy on Montanans.  I’m going to work as hard as I can in the House to try and undo this damage.”