
Rehberg Delivers Montanans' Comments to U.S. Postal Service

Denny Rehberg reviews Mail Call Montana submissions.  Click here for full-res image.
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BILLINGS, MT – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today delivered hundreds of comments from around Montana to the United States Postal Service relating to proposals to close more than 90 rural post offices.  The comments were sent to Rehberg by Montanans as a part of his innovative “Mail Call Montana” initiative.

“The best policy solutions usually come from places like Montana,” said Rehberg.  “Mail Call Montana is a way for us to get some of those Made-in-Montana ideas into the decision making bureaucracy in Washington, DC.  The response to this effort has been overwhelming.  I think it will be very helpful for the Postal Service to see for themselves that while their proposals may look good on paper, they simply won’t work in Montana.”

Earlier this year, the Postal Service proposed closing more than 90 post offices in Montana.  Rehberg, who regularly travels throughout Montana’s 56 counties, immediately expressed concern about how the closure of so many local offices would affect Montanans who depend on their services every day for personal and business purposes.

The “Mail Call Montana” initiative harnessed grass roots support for local post offices by asking Montanans to submit written comment about the important role their post office is to their community and their way of life.  Participants were encouraged to utilize their own local post office to send comments by mail.

“The Postal Service needs to listen to Montanans before making any sudden decisions to close the offices that people depend on every day,” said Rehberg.  “The Postal Service should not expect to balance their books on the backs of rural America.”