Using Video to Tell Your Story: Reflections on 30 Years of AIDS and the One-Year Anniversary of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy


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I am the Strategy. Are You?

More than half of all internet users have watched and downloaded online videos Exit Disclaimer according to the The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project Exit Disclaimer. And over the past few weeks, we’ve shared videos about the importance of HIV testing and the progress that has been made since the first cases of AIDS were reported more than 30 years ago. This month, as we mark the one-year anniversary of the release of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, we are excited to highlight videos from federal and community partners that illustrate how multimedia can be used to tell and share stories.

The Los Angeles Womens’ HIV & AIDS Task Force created two videos to help raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and the importance of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy.


White House Office of National AIDS Policy also created videos to highlight how Federal and community partners are implementing the Strategy.


If you’re interested in learning more about making videos or seeing other examples in response to HIV, visit the new media toolkit. Remember, creating your own video can be easy and simple to still be powerful and share your message.

Have you made any HIV/AIDS-related videos? How are you using them to talk about the National HIV/AIDS Strategy and progress that has been made over the past 30 years? Leave a comment and let us know!


  1. colette Jacques says:

    So glad to see video are being to educate people about HIV AIDS I Colette Jacques Founder of the. Support Organization For AIDS Prevention Inc came up with idea of educating Carriban via musdic and video since 1988 but founding was not available at that time I hopr this time around ity should be a problerm to find sponsors as everyone is affected and concerned about bringing this to an end I am a film maker now and have plenty to tell to help in the importence of the true understanding of importence of true participation to end this by 2015. Anyone want contact me plerase do so at I am looking to join hands with those who want to do something to benefit our community at risk specialy women and young individuals.
    Congrulations to all for the willingness to make a sincere effort to reach out for a succesfull campaign to a educate the world on HIV/AIDS

  2. Shellye Jones says:


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