
Boustany Sworn-in for Fourth Term, Looks to Provide Solutions for Southwest Louisiana

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., R-Southwest Louisiana, today was sworn-in for his fourth term in Congress.  Following the swearing-in, Boustany looked ahead to the 112th Congress.

“This Congress faces many challenges, but I look forward to working with the leadership to change the way Congress works,” Boustany said. “We need to cut spending, restore jobs, rebuild the economy, and reassert our stature on the world stage.  With my seat on the Ways and Means Committee, I look forward to playing a prominent role in achieving these goals.  I will continue to work hard to represent the people of southwest Louisiana, and tackle the difficult issues that face our state.”



Congressman Charles Boustany (R-LA), with his wife Bridget, is sworn in to his fourth term in office by Speaker of the House John Boehner.
