
Boustany Reacts to President Obama's State of the Union

Washington, DC– U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., R-Southwest Louisiana, expressed his disappointment with President Obama’s State of the Union Address Tuesday, noting his failure to mention the oil spill or job-killing moratorium.

“While the President’s message was certainly upbeat and praised America’s ideals, it is worth noting what was left out of his speech,” Boustany said.  “The President neglected to discuss the oil spill, nor did he mention the moratorium and the damage that his policies have done to American energy producers in Louisiana.  The President promised to rebuild our infrastructure and invest in new energy sources, while failing to explain how he would pay for these initiatives. On one hand he advocated cuts to discretionary spending, and on the other he called for more spending.

“The President spoke about fixing our tax code, something I hope to make a priority in the Ways and Means Committee. We have pushed for fundamental reforms that will increase American competitiveness, so I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to make that a reality.

“Despite the vote last week to repeal the health care law passed in the previous Congress, the President continued to praise the law as a positive step for our nation. The law will take a toll on the economy, our debt, and doctor-patient relationships that are critical to health care in the United States. Republicans will continue to push for a full repeal of the bill, and find ways to improve health care in this country in an effective, affordable manner.

“Finally, the President spoke at length about jobs and the economy, but his solutions seem to include more rhetoric than actual solutions. The themes of job creation and job growth have been echoed in his previous State of the Union addresses, yet we still face 9.4% unemployment, a growing debt, a crumbling infrastructure and an economy that has not rebounded. The President’s answer seemed to be ‘spend more’, which has proven to be an unmitigated disaster with the failed stimulus plan of 2009. We need to take serious steps, make hard cuts in our spending, and keep the focus on job creation in this country so that America can rise to the occasion again and become that shining city on the hill once more.”
