
Boustany Criticizes Obama for Lack of Congressional Involvement on Libyan Action

Lafayette, LA – US Congressman Charles W. Boustany, Jr. (R-Southwest Louisiana) today criticized President Obama’s lack of consultation with Congress on the United Nations Security Council’s authorization of force in Libya:

“The President last week committed the United States to military action in Libya, but offered no definite plan, gave no indication of cost, and did not seek any authorization from Congress,” Boustany said.“Without question, the Ghadafi regime must be stopped, but with his actions, President Obama committed this country without securing the constitutionally mandated authority of Congress. In light of the two conflicts in which we are already engaged, it seems he would have laid out his plan to Congress before taking such dramatic steps. Once again, this President seems to disregard Congress when making decisions that shape our policy at home and abroad. I expect he will consult with us throughout this engagement.”
