
Boustany- "Congress can work on lowering the price at the pump this week"

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Charles W. Boustany, Jr., R-Southwest Louisiana, today urged House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) to bring legislation to the floor for a vote to increase American energy production and lower the price of gas.

People in Southwest Louisiana continue to struggle with outrageously high gas prices, and Congress is failing to do anything,” Boustany said. “House leaders’ inaction demonstrates how Washington is broken. Let’s debate ways to lower the price at the pump for Americans- increasing American production, creating more transparency in energy markets and providing incentives for new technologies should be a start.
Boustany continues to advocate responsible American energy production and a market-based approach for new energy technologies to lower the cost of energy. In addition, increased American production will produced quality American jobs spurring the economy.
Last week, House Republicans unveiled the American Energy Act, H.R. 6566, to promote American energy production, improve conservation and efficiency and promote renewable fuel technologies.
Speaker Pelosi is set to recess Congress for the August work period at the end of the week.