
Boustany Returns to Washington, Says- ‘Let's Do Our Job and Help Lower Gas Prices for the American People'

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., R-Lafayette, today returned to the House Floor in Washington, D.C., calling on Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, to reconvene the House to vote on meaningful energy legislation.

Gas prices continue to squeeze family budgets, this is what I heard across Southwest Louisiana,” said Boustany. “Congress can act to help lower the cost of gas and diesel, but the Speaker and Washington Democrats refuse any reasonable compromise. Back home, I saw how we can responsibly explore for and produce American energy. It keeps jobs in the U.S. and is spurring our economy.

Boustany joined fellow House Republicans on the House Floor to discuss energy solutions with his colleagues and visitors to the Capitol.

House Republicans recently unveiled a comprehensive energy reform policy to boost supplies of all forms of energy right here at home to reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy, protect us against blackmail by foreign dictators, create American jobs, and grow our economy.  This includes increasing the supply of American-made energy, improving energy efficiency, and encouraging investment in groundbreaking research in advanced alternative and renewable energy technologies. 

With 21st century technologies and the strictest environmental standards in the world, America must produce more of our own energy at home and protect our environment at the same time.

Boustany continued, “Speaker Pelosi should listen to the American people who desperately need lower prices at the pump. As gas prices remain above $3.50 per gallon, Washington needs to act, and I stand ready to help Southwest Louisiana families.

Gas in Lafayette averaged $3.74 today according to AAA.
