Take Those Comics Seriously!

Comics and cartoons are well-loved because they’re funny.  Most of us think of them as a break in the monotony of a working day, a light moment, a chuckle over our morning coffee. But for some, mirth is money.  Those people tend to take their comics more seriously. Take, for example, the reaction to “The …

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A Fashion Faux Pas of Epic Proportions

What exactly is a “shirtwaist?” The American shirtwaist was a fashion trend for women at the turn of the 20th century, noted for the pairing of tailored shirt and skirt – offering a glimpse of the ankles – and was very fashion-forward during its day. “Shirt-waist sets are among the attractive dress accessories to tempt …

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Crazy SK8s

There’s something about strapping on a pair of roller skates and the exhilaration of speeding across the floor, taking fast turns, testing your agility as you maneuver against and in tandem with those like-minded. The sport is very near and dear to my heart, as I recently joined the ranks of the DC Rollergirls, the …

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See You In The Funny Papers

There are many avenues of research at the Library of Congress. Some are a laugh riot! Take, for example, the vast collections of cartoons and caricature in the Library’s Prints and Photographs Division. For more than a century, the Library has collected pictorial humor  – collections that range from a lifetime’s worth of cartoons by …

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Scanning the Possibilities in the Newspaper Reading Room

The Library is a place of superlatives–the biggest this, the first that–and now we’ve added another one to the list that will be a great benefit to patrons in the Newspaper and Current Periodical Reading Room (and off-site). This week Mark Sweeney, chief of the Serial and Government Publications Division, along with assistant chief Teri …

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