Burgess Presses Obama Administration on Inconsistent Libya Statements
Posted by Whitney Thompson on September 26, 2012
Burgess Presses Obama Administration on Inconsistent Libya Statements 
“This administration has not been forthcoming. We deserve better, and the four Americans who lost their lives deserve better.”

Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26), sent a letter to President Obama regarding the erroneous statements made by officials of the Obama administration regarding the attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya. 

“Following the attack, several administration officials inaccurately stated that the assault was a result of an Internet video, when in fact it was a terrorist attack,” said Dr. Burgess. “President Obama and his administration have made no effort to clarify their miscommunication, and have failed to provide any information on what exactly transpired. The release of such incomplete information drives improper conclusions, misdirects anger, and could lead to policy changes that would undermine our diplomatic and military efforts abroad.”

The assault, which happened on September 11th, was also the 11th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks on America. It lasted nearly four hours, and resulted in the deaths of United States Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and diplomatic security officers and former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.

“On September 20th, Secretary Clinton, and Director Clapper of the National Intelligence briefed Members of Congress, but critical questions were not answered or were deflected,” said Dr. Burgess. “This administration has not been forthcoming. We deserve better, and the four Americans who lost their lives deserve better.”

To view the letter, click here.


The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Peggy Senn from McKinney commented on 9/28/2012
    Thank you and other representatives and senators for standing up in pursuit of the truth behind the outrageous cover-up by the administration. It appears that the liberal media is doing a cover-up of the O. cover-up. Families of the lost Americans and the American people deserve nothing less than the TRUTH. It's way past time for a change before we loose the balance of powers in this country! Keep up the courageous efforts in assertively demanding the truth.
  • pat from flower mound commented on 9/28/2012
    Could it be that the information in the film is true and that's why the Islamic community is upset. From what I have read, these events and actions are common right now under this Muslim Brotherhood Government especially for non-Muslims. Just because the maker has past convictions, maybe this was the only way the public would be made aware of what is really going on. Our liberal press is not going to let anything like that out, especially on an election year what our Pres. and Secretary of State is making deals with Egypt's govt. It's a total shame that this is the only way non-liberal news can be heard. I'm not saying I condone what was done, just that the truth should be heard, the real truth, not what the liberals want the people to hear.
  • S. Hester from Dallas commented on 9/29/2012
    I am so glad you wrote Obama. How can we get him impeached. Nixon was impeached for lies. What makes this any different? They will investigate on Nov. 7 after the election. How convenient? I am so depressed over the coming election. I don't know what I will do if Obama gets 4 more years. I am so fearful of the the blantant acceptance and apologies that our president has for the Muslims... What can we do except vote? Can you do something in DC? Regards S. Hester
  • S. Hester from Dallas TX commented on 9/29/2012
    Congressman Burgess, I wanted to comment again and say Thank You for writing the President. I read the letter and it helps to know that you speak on behalf of your people. But for a President that won't even meet with a foreign leader, I can only imagine what he will do with your letter. I pray he reads it. If anyone else conducted themselves in a job as poorly as he has, they would be fired. And I feel the terrorists were testing to see what he would do if they killed our Ambassador. It was a test. He failed.So next time will they come to America, and give us another 9/11. I was watching a documentary about the time line on 9/11 a few days before the anniversary this year. I remember thinking, how calm and resolved President Bush was on that day. I wondered at the time, how Obama would handle it? Well, sadly a few days later I found out. He blew it off basically. He is not even taking time to deal with it. If one of my kids would have been those young men killed, I really don't think I could take it right now. I am having a hard time with it, and I don't even know them. Please do what you can to help us. S. Hester
  • James LaGesse from Flower Mound commented on 9/30/2012
    I agree 100%. We are getting nothing but the "Potomac two step" from this President and his front men(Hillary included).
  • Linda from Denton commented on 10/26/2012
    Could you update us on this Libya situation since even more info has come out since your Sept 26 letter to him? I agree the impeachment process should be an option for not only lying to Americans but not providing requested security for our diplomat in Benghazi...what must be done to start the impeachment process?
  • Houston security cameras from City commented on 11/21/2012
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