
Capito Statement On Veteran's Day


Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., released the following statement in honor of those who have dedicated their lives in service to our country:

“Despite the feeling of partisanship that has come to characterize the national political scene, elections remind us how special it is to live in a peaceful, thriving democracy.   While elections only come every so often, Americans risk their lives every day, all over the world, to defend freedom and opportunity back home.  I am forever grateful to the men and women who serve in the military for their selfless service.  And to the families with loved ones who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, we will forever honor their legacy.”

Capit introduced legislation this Congress to help our nation’s rural veterans suffering from Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) receive the care and treatments they deserve. 

H.R. 3369 provides for the establishment of TBI specific case managers in rural areas that will assist veterans in receiving the proper care for their TBI related injuries.  Second, it allows these case managers to contract with private providers in rural communities so veterans and their families do not have to be away from home for extended periods of time to receive treatments.            

The dramatic improvements in medical technology and battlefield treatment of wounds has resulted in many more service men and women surviving serious injuries sustained during war time. One of the most challenging wounds sustained by our military men and women are Traumatic Brain Injuries.  The severity of TBI can range widely, necessitating further research and the development of treatment options.  TBI can often be debilitating and frequently results in extensive treatment and rehabilitation.