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About Claire

November 3, 2010

Senator Claire McCaskill is a fourth-generation Missourian who was born in Rolla and raised in Houston, Lebanon and Columbia, MO. She began her career in public service in 1982 when she won a seat to the state legislature. She went on to become the first female prosecutor of Jackson County in 1993 and was elected state auditor in 1998.

Keeping up her tradition of bringing accountability to government, Claire today is focused in the Senate on fighting government waste. This includes working to bring a greater fiscal responsibility to Washington to ensure that Missourians' tax dollars are well-spent. She is working especially hard to address the deficit through legislation to cap discretionary spending, ban earmarks, and require Congress to pay for any new spending.

She is also working to bring reform to government contracting, which represents billions of dollars each year and is ripe for waste, fraud, and abuse. She chairs a subcommittee that investigates wasteful contracting practices.

Beyond government accountability issues, Claire spends a great deal of time pushing for better care and stronger benefits for veterans and service members and their families. Claire makes it back to Missouri frequently, traveling back nearly every weekend. She and her family live in St. Louis County.