Empowering local communities to serve child victims of abuse.

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Child Advocacy – Putting the needs of child abuse victims first

National Children's Alliance - child and children's advocacy

National Children’s Alliance is a professional membership organization dedicated to helping local communities respond to allegations of child abuse in ways that are effective and efficient – and put the needs of child victims first.

What does the National Children's Alliance do?

National Children's Alliance provides training, support, technical assistance and leadership on a national level to local children’s and child advocacy centers and communities responding to reports of child abuse and neglect.  A children’s advocacy center is a child-focused, facility-based program in which representatives from many disciplines, including law enforcement, child protection, prosecution, mental health, medical and victim advocacy, child advocacy, work together to conduct interviews and make team decisions about investigation, treatment, management and prosecution of child abuse cases.

National Children's Alliance strongly believes that the combined professional wisdom and skill of the multidisciplinary team approach results in a more complete understanding of case issues and the most effective child- and family-focused system response possible.   

Teresa Huizar, Executive Director, National Children's Alliance
Letter from Teresa Huizar | Executive Director

Child abuse is a pervasive and deadly problem. 

Recent statistics show that in 2009, an estimated 763,000 children were determined to be victims of abuse or neglect.  As in prior years, neglect was the most common form of child maltreatment, but victims also suffered from physical abuse, sexual abuse and psychological maltreatment.  And an estimated 1,770 children died.  The numbers tell the bittersweet story of child abuse in America: although the numbers represent a steady decline over the last three years of abused and neglected children, even one abused child is one too many.  

However, the decline is good news, and child advocacy centers ("CACs") across the nation are an important part of this success. CACs intervened in some 267,000 child abuse cases last year, and provide over 519,000 individuals with child abuse prevention training - clearly, the dual approach of intervention and prevention is working. Nonetheless, crimes involving children as victims and/or witnesses are among the most commonly underreported.  And so, we must continue to focus on education as the key to reaching a far greater number of victims and potential victims. Every adult needs to know the signs of abuse, how to report child abuse, and how to prevent maltreatment.

National Children's Alliance stands for the proposition that communities working together on behalf of child victims of abuse can make all the difference in terms of response and intervention and in the lives of the child victims themselves.

Join us today and make a difference in the life of a child.

NCA In the News

Juvenile sex offenders more likely to respond to treatment than adults expert says
October 19, 2012 - Interview with Teresa Huizar in the Times-Picayune

After the conviction: The legacy of the Jerry Sandusky case
October 16, 2012 - Huffington Post blog by Teresa Huizar

Sandusky Sentenced in Latest High Profile US Sex Abuse Case
October 10, 2012 - Interview with Teresa Huizar on RIA NOVOSTI

What are the lessons from the Penn State scandal?
7/12/2012 - PBS News Hour interview with Teresa Huizar

Researchers see decline in rate of child sexual abuse
6/28/2012 - The New York Times