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February 6, 2012: Congress passes FAA Reauthorization Act - House Legislation This Week - Obamacare and Conscience Protections - Black History Month

-- Randy's Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

February 6, 2012

Congress passes FAA Reauthorization Act

Last week, House Republicans and Democrats came together for final passage of H.R. 658, which reauthorizes the Federal Aviation Administration and all federal aviation programs. This bipartisan bill, now awaiting final passage in the Senate before the President signs it into law, finally provides four years of certainty for this crucial sector of the American economy. H.R. 658 will enhance aviation safety across the U.S., accelerate the NextGen air traffic control modernization, and ensure that airport construction projects will move forward at locations such as Preston Smith International Airport in Lubbock and the Abilene Regional Airport. I applaud House leadership for completing the work on this important piece of legislation.

House Legislation This Week

This week, the House is expected to vote on the Budget and Accounting Transparency Act, which would increase transparency in Federal budgeting, and the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act, which would ban insider trading for lawmakers and members of their staffs. The Senate passed the STOCK Act last week by a vote of 96-3, and I expect the House to take up the bill this week. I look forward to reviewing the final version of this bill. Public service is a privilege. I support the intent of this legislation and believe that both elected and non-elected government officials, in all branches of government, should be held to the highest possible standards of conduct.

Obamacare and Conscience Protections

A new rule under Obamacare will require religiously-affiliated hospitals, colleges and charities that offer insurance to cover contraception, sterilization and the “morning-after” pill.  While churches are exempt from this rule, any organization affiliated with a church will be forced to offer coverage for these types of contraceptives, regardless of the organization’s religious views.

This is another example of why we must repeal Obamacare in its entirety. Rights of conscience and freedom of religion must be protected for all Americans and religious organizations, and the federal government should not force contraceptive coverage against a group’s religious beliefs. It is a violation of the First Amendment and further proof that this bill is unconstitutional. I am working with my colleagues on the House Values Action Team (VAT) to repeal this rule, and I will continue to support legislation that completely repeals Obamacare.

Black History Month

This month, we celebrate the countless ways in which African Americans have enriched and contributed to our nation. The great promise of our country is that every American has the opportunity to seek prosperity and fulfill their dreams, regardless of skin color. We cherish the principle that all people, irrespective of race, are given equal opportunities to succeed and pursue their own happiness.