Rep. Don Young

Rep. Don Young


Merchant Marine, Teacher, State Rep, State Senator and finally Congressman for all Alaska for the last 38 years.

Ft. Yukon, AK ·

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Today we honor those who have worn the uniform and bravely protected this nation. God bless our veterans and their families.

Here are some pictures from my trip to the Red Dog Mine just north of Kotzebue earlier this week:

Had a good editorial bd meeting with today. Discussion of fed fiscal cliff, BLM, fed management of lands in AK, energy costs.

Had a great time visiting and reading to students yesterday at the Literacy Council of in Fairbanks Photos:

Having a great time speaking to and taking questions from the Wasilla and Palmer Chambers of Commerce

Today on Day, we honor and salute these brave individuals for their service and sacrifice. God bless them and their families

The Obama admin has declared an all out war on fossil fuels -- today the reigned in many of those regs:

Congratulations to Alaska's Principal of the Year, Greg Wohlman! It was great meeting with you today:

We should honor those who lost their lives 11 years ago – and also say a prayer for our servicemen and women:

Honored and humbled by this morning's event put on by the AK Railroad. As long as I'm in Washington, the AK Railroad will have an ally

Had a great time meeting with the Alaska Native Housing Board and touring the new Loussac Place complex

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