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Question of the Week: Do you support the efforts of the House Judiciary Committee to hold the Administration accountable for failing to detain and remove over 300,000 illegal and criminal immigrants?
Posted by Randy | November 10, 2011

The House Judiciary Immigration Subcommittee recently issued a subpoena to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for a list of 300,000 illegal and criminal immigrants the agency has declined to detain or place in removal proceedings.  Judiciary Committee Chairman Smith asked for this information in August but to date, DHS has not provided the requested information.  Criminal aliens are targeted with the Secure Communities program, which is intended to keep our neighborhoods safe by identifying illegal and criminal immigrants in police custody who have been arrested and fingerprinted.  The Administration recently made changes to Secure Communities that could open the door to allow millions of illegal and criminal immigrants to avoid current immigration laws.  Specifically, the Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement issued two memos to agency officials on how to exercise blanket “prosecutorial discretion,” such as granting deferred action, deciding whom to stop, question, arrest, or detain, and dismissing a removal proceeding.  I recently had the opportunity to question Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on this flawed policy and found her answers troubling and inadequate; I support Chairman Smith's efforts to hold the Administration accountable for declining to detain and remove over 300,000 illegal and criminal immigrants.

Question of the Week:
Do you support the efforts of the House Judiciary Committee to hold the Administration accountable for failing to detain and remove over 300,000 illegal and criminal immigrants?

(  )  Yes.
(  )  No.
(  )  Other (Share your thoughts below).
(  )  I am unsure.

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Users are solely responsible for the opinions they post here and their comments do not necessarily reflect the views of Congressman Forbes.
  • thomas g commented on 11/10/2011
    I'm more interested in holding congressman Forbes accountable for the 10 TRILLION dollars in debt during his tenure in the congress when the budget was balanced when he got there.
  • Chris S. commented on 11/10/2011
    The current administration [Democratic] has done more in 3 years to remove illegal immigrants from this country than the prior administration [Republican] did in 8 years. What was your opinion when Bush was failing to remove illegal immigrants? Probably turned a blind eye because of partisanship. Frontline recently did a story on the "Secure Communities" initiative & stated that ICE has seen their busiest numbers in years.
  • Thomas G commented on 11/11/2011
    Mr. Forbes, please, we need you to begin focusing on moving this nation forward. Since you have arrived in the congress you have sponsored 62 Bills with 56 of them not even making it out of commitee with on 1 passing. In my view that's not a lot of bang for the buck in 12 years in congress when during this time, in spite of arriving in congress with a balanced budget, we have watched as 10 TRILLION dollars of debt has been piled up. We have watched in horror as the congressman voted to push our great nation into default and he refuses to even consider a 1 penny increase in the tax of millionaires and billionaires when those rates are at levels not seen since 1931 and overwhelming evidence that the policy he has supported pushed our country to the brink of disaster. Frankly, Mr Swartz is exactly correct, my research also indicates that the Obama administration has indeed been acting when no action on immigration has been coming out of the congress during the entire tenure of Mr. Forbes. We need real movement to push our nation forward and after months of debate on this blog I simply do not see a willingness to do anything other than pursue radical agendas that have no promise whatsoever of moving us forward together. With thousands in the streets all across the country what is it going to take congressman to move you into action?
  • Thomas G commented on 11/14/2011
    Congressman Forbes, since you refuse to even consider a 1 penny increase in the tax of millionaires and billionaires...I think it is appropriate to outline here what republican Senator Coburn provides for that position... Coburn totaled up all the federal money for millionaires over several years that his office could find. Among the handouts for the well-heeled are: •$18.15 million in child care tax credits •$74 million in unemployment checks •$89 million for preservation of ranches and estates •$316 million in farm subsidies •$608 million in business entertainment deductions •$9 billion in retirement checks •$21 billion in gambling losses •$28 billion in mortgage breaks for mansions, vacation homes and yachts Mr Forbes, the public does not share your position which I regard as not only out of step with main street, but the position has been widely discredited by experts across the country. It is time that this position become reasonable sir.
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