Senator Boxer on World AIDS Day    

Friday, November 30, 2012  

Dear Friend:

Each year on December 1st, people everywhere come together to observe World AIDS Day and raise awareness about HIV/AIDS.  The theme for World AIDS Day 2012 – reflecting the growing hope that we can eradicate this terrible, deadly disease – is “Working Together for an AIDS-Free Generation.”  To learn more, please click here.  

A recent progress report on HIV prevention from the Centers for Disease Control states that HIV transmission rates have dropped dramatically, more Americans are being tested for HIV than ever before, well-designed prevention programs can significantly reduce HIV risk, and prevention efforts have contributed to significant declines in new infections.  To read more, click here.

Despite this encouraging news, the fight against HIV/AIDS is far from over.  In communities across America and around the world, entire generations of adults and children have been ravaged by HIV/AIDS.  More than 25 million dear friends, beloved family members, and promising lives have been lost to this indiscriminate killer.  And even today, over 30 years after the epidemic began, about 34 million people live with HIV worldwide.   

We cannot rest until everyone infected with HIV has access to treatment and we are finally able to welcome an AIDS-free generation.  On World AIDS Day – and every day – let us recommit ourselves to eradicating HIV/AIDS once and for all.


Barbara Boxer, US Senator, California
U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer