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District 19 Energy and Economy Tour Wraps Up

-- Randy’s Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

September 1, 2008

District 19 Energy and Economy Tour Wraps Up

Last week, I wrapped up my August Energy and Economy Tour through District 19.  Thank you to everyone who came by our stops to let me know what was on your mind.  Your input is invaluable to me as I return to Washington this month. 

I also want to thank those who showed me around all the different types of energy production in our area.  The information you shared will be very beneficial as I am asked to make energy policy decisions in Congress.

If you’re interested in seeing more about where I visited in August, please pull up the Energy Tour Photo Gallery on my website.  If you have any problems with this link you can always go to www.randy.house.gov and click on “Photo Galleries” to get there.

Our energy security is inherently tied to our national, economic and local security.  It unquestionably has an impact on our hard-earned dollars.  The fact is that when supply is low and the demand is high, prices will rise. Congress cannot repeal the law of supply and demand, much less ignore it. That is why we must say YES and do “all of the above” to put America on track to energy independence.

Our region has increased the production of energy from many different sources, creating new jobs and growing our economy.  More areas of the country need to follow our lead because America has no shortage of energy resources.  America also has the technology and the innovation to help address our needs, but our federal energy policy must allow us to use our own resources to their full potential.

Accessible and Affordable Health Care

Spending time with many of you around the 19th District over the past couple of weeks resulted in productive discussions about the impact higher energy costs have had on families and our economy.  When it comes to other costs impacting families these days, another issue also often mentioned is health care.

As I was reminded in several communities I visited, maintaining an affordable and accessible health care delivery system is an important concern.  Particularly in rural areas, having access to medical care not only helps families who live in those communities now, but having available health care also helps those communities attract new families and new employers.

When it comes to ensuring the future affordability and accessibility of health care, I believe patient choice and competition will be an essential part of any solution.  The answer is not for the federal government to take over health care delivery. 

Health care decisions must continue to be made between patients and their doctors.  Proposals for a nationalized health care system would result in health care decisions being made by government employees instead of patients.  We must also allow small businesses to pool their resources to help provide health insurance for their employees the same way larger businesses can through Association Health Plans.  And we must look at how our tax policy can help individuals and employers better afford coverage.

It is time for Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle to come together with health care providers, insurance providers, states and patients to work on solutions.  It will require difficult decisions and compromise, but with our nation's vast medical resources and tradition of ingenuity we can work together make health care more accessible and affordable to all.

Recognition from Council for Citizens Against Government Waste

I was pleased to be named a “Taxpayer Hero” last week by the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW).  This government watchdog, dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud and mismanagement in government, gave just 58 other members of the House of Representatives and me this award based on our voting records. With a Congress that averaged a 30 percent voting record on behalf of America’s taxpayers, I am very proud to have earned a rating of 90 percent.

I take great pride in standing up for the taxpayers of West Texas and the Big Country and have pledged to be a consistent voice in Congress that will vote to decrease the size of government and reduce the tax burden on Americans and small businesses.  This award reaffirms my commitment to stand on principle and do the job my constituents have sent me to do.

Click here to learn more about the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste and their 2007 Congressional Ratings.


As always, when events unfold in Washington, I will be sure to update you. In the meantime, do not hesitate to visit my website www.randy.house.gov, or call my office toll free district wide at (888) 763-1611 or my Washington, DC office at 202-225-4005.