Votes for September 2007
  Question Bill Result Date
923 On Passage H R 3567
Small Business Investment Expansion Act
Passed 9/27/2007
922 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 3567
Small Business Investment Expansion Act
Failed 9/27/2007
921 On Passage H R 3121
Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act of 2007
Passed 9/27/2007
920 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 3121
Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act of 2007
Failed 9/27/2007
918 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 683
Providing for the Consideration of H.R. 3121, Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act
Passed 9/27/2007
917 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 683
Providing for the Consideration of H.R. 3121, Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act
Passed 9/27/2007
916 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 682
Providing for the Consideration of H.R. 3567, Small Business Investment Expansion Act
Passed 9/27/2007
915 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 682
Providing for the Consideration of H.R. 3567, Small Business Investment Expansion Act
Passed 9/27/2007
914 On Motion To Adjourn Adjourn
Failed 9/27/2007
913 On Passage H R 2693
Popcorn Workers Lung Disease Prevention Act
Passed 9/26/2007
911 On Passage H J Res 52
Making Continuing Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2008, and for Other Purposes.
Passed 9/26/2007
910 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H J Res 52
Making Continuing Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2008, and for Other Purposes.
Passed 9/26/2007
909 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 678
Providing for Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 2693) to Direct the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to Issue A Standard Regulating Worker Exposure to Diacetyl.
Passed 9/26/2007
908 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 677
Providing for Consideration of the Joint Resolution (h.j.res. 52) Making Continuing Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2008, and for Other Purposes.
Passed 9/26/2007
907 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended H Res 590
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Passed 9/25/2007
906 Agree To Senate Amendments With Amendments H R 976
Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act
Passed 9/25/2007
905 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended H Res 95
Campus Fire Safety Month
Passed 9/25/2007
904 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 675
Providing for Consideration of the Senate Amendments to H.R. 976, to Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to Provide Tax Relief for Small Businesses, and for Other Purposes
Passed 9/25/2007
903 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 675
Providing for Consideration of the Senate Amendments to H.R. 976, to Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to Provide Tax Relief for Small Businesses, and for Other Purposes
Passed 9/25/2007
902 Table Appeal Of the Ruling Of the Chair H Res 675
Passed 9/25/2007
901 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended H Res 557
Strongly Condemning the United Nations Human Rights Council for Ignoring Severe Human Rights Abuses In Various Countries, While Choosing to Unfairly Target Israel By Including It as the Only Country Permanently Placed on the Council’s Agenda
Passed 9/25/2007
900 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 642
Expressing Sympathy and Support for the People and Governments of the Countries of Central America, the Caribbean, and Mexico Which Have Suffered From Hurricanes Felix, Dean, and Henriette and Whose Complete Economic and Fatality Toll Are Still Unknown
Passed 9/25/2007
899 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended H Res 548
Expressing the Ongoing Concern of the House of Representatives for Lebanon’s Democratic Institutions and Unwavering Support for the Administration of Justice Upon Those Responsible for the Assassination of Lebanese Public Figures Opposing Syrian Control of Lebanon.
Passed 9/25/2007
898 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 663
Supporting the Goals and Ideals of Veterans of Foreign Wars Day
Passed 9/25/2007
897 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Con Res 210
Supporting the Goals and Ideals of Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Month
Passed 9/25/2007
896 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 584
Supporting the Goals and Ideals of National Life Insurance Awareness Month
Passed 9/25/2007
895 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 1400
Iran Counter-proliferation Act of 2007
Passed 9/25/2007
894 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 340
Expressing the Sense of the House of Representatives of the Importance of Providing A Voice for the Many Victims (and Families of Victims) Involved In Missing Persons Cases and Unidentified Human Remains Cases.
Passed 9/24/2007
893 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass H R 1199
Drug Endangered Children Act of 2007
Passed 9/24/2007
892 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 668
Recognizing the 50th Anniversary of the September 25, 1957, Desegragation of Little Rock Central High School By the Little Rock Nine
Passed 9/24/2007
891 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Con Res 193
Recognizing All Hunters Across the United States for Their Continued Commitment to Safety
Passed 9/24/2007
890 On Passage H R 2881
Faa Reauthorization Act of 2007
Passed 9/20/2007
888 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 664
Providing for the Consideration of H.R. 2881, Faa Reauthorization Act of 2007
Passed 9/20/2007
887 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 664
Providing for the Consideration of H.R. 2881, Faa Reauthorization Act of 2007
Passed 9/20/2007
886 On Motion To Adjourn Adjourn
Failed 9/20/2007
885 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass H R 3580
Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007
Passed 9/19/2007
884 On Passage H R 2761
Terrorism Risk Insurance Revision and Extension Act
Passed 9/19/2007
883 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 2761
Terrorism Risk Insurance Revision and Extension Act
Failed 9/19/2007
880 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 660
Providing for the Consideration of H.R. 2761, Terrorism Risk Insurance Revision and Extension Act
Passed 9/19/2007
879 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 660
Providing for the Consideration of H.R. 2761, Terrorism Risk Insurance Revision and Extension Act
Passed 9/19/2007
878 On Approving the Journal Journal
Passed 9/19/2007
877 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 3096
To Promote Freedom and Democracy In Vietnam
Passed 9/18/2007
876 On Passage H R 1852
Expanding American Homeownership Act of 2007
Passed 9/18/2007
875 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 1852
Expanding American Homeownership Act of 2007
Failed 9/18/2007
872 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 650
Providing for Consideration of H.R. 1852, Expanding American Homeownership Act of 2007
Passed 9/18/2007
871 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 650
Providing for Consideration of H.R. 1852, Expanding American Homeownership Act of 2007
Passed 9/18/2007
870 On Approving the Journal Journal
Passed 9/18/2007
869 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass H R 3527
To Extend for Two Months the Authorities of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.
Passed 9/17/2007
868 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass H R 1657
To Establish A Science and Technology Scholarship Program to Award Scholarships to Recruit and Prepart Students for Careers In the National Weather Service and In National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Research, Atmospheric Research, and Satellite Programs.
Passed 9/17/2007
867 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 3246
Regional Economic and Infrastructure Development Act of 2007.
Failed 9/17/2007
866 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 643
9/11 Commemoration
Passed 9/10/2007
865 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended H Res 257
Supporting the Goals and Ideals of Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
Passed 9/10/2007
864 On Agreeing To the Conference Report H R 2669
College Cost Reduction Act of 2007
Passed 9/7/2007
863 On Passage H R 1908
Patent Reform Act of 2007
Passed 9/7/2007
861 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 637
Providing for Consideration of Conference Report to Accompany H.R. 2669, College Cost Reduction and Access Act.
Passed 9/7/2007
860 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 636
Providing for Consideration of H.R. 1908, Patent Reform Act of 2007.
Passed 9/7/2007
859 On Passage H R 2786
Native American Housing Assistance and Self-determination Reauthorization Act of 2007
Passed 9/6/2007
855 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 633
Providing for Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 2786) to Reauthorize the Programs for Housing Assistance for Native Americans.
Passed 9/6/2007
854 On Approving the Journal Journal
Passed 9/6/2007
853 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 544
Expressing the Sympathy and Pledging the Support of the House of Representatives and the People of the U.s. for the Victims of the Devestating Thunderstorms That Caused Severe Flooding In 20 Counties In Eastern Kansas Beginning on June 26, 2007
Passed 9/5/2007
852 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended H Res 508
Recognizing the Strong Security Alliance Between the Government of Japan and the United States and Expressing Appreciation to Japan for Its Role In Enhancing Stability In the Asia-pacific Region and Its Efforts In the Global War Against Terrorism
Passed 9/5/2007
851 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 629
Extending the Condolences and Sympathy of the House of Representatives to the Government and the People of Greece for the Grave Loss of Life and Vast Destruction Caused By the Devasting Fires Raging Through Greece Since 2007
Passed 9/5/2007
850 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 552
Calling on the Government of the People’s Republic of China to Remove Barriers to United States Financial Services Firms Doing Business In China
Passed 9/5/2007
849 On Motion To Instruct Conferees H R 2669
College Cost Reduction Act of 2007
Passed 9/4/2007
848 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 3020
Microloan Amendments and Modernization Act
Passed 9/4/2007
847 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 694
Minority Serving Institution Digital and Wireless Technology Opportunity Act
Passed 9/4/2007