Larson on MSNBC: GOP Congress Frozen In The Ice Of Their Indifference

WASHINGTON – On MSNBC yesterday, House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) told Reverend Al Sharpton that when it comes to helping working class Americans, the Republican controlled Congress is frozen in the ice of their indifference.

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Larson Statement on June Jobs Report

WASHINGTON – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) released the following statement today on the Department of Labor’s June Jobs Report that the economy added 80,000 jobs in June and the unemployment rate remained at 8.2 percent:

“Today’s disappointing job report is not surprising when you consider that it took the Republican House majority more than a hundred days to simply pass a bipartisan transportation bill to keep road and bridge repair work going.

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Larson Statement on Supreme Court Ruling Upholding the Affordable Care Act

WASHINGTON – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) released the following statement on the Supreme Court decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act:

“The Supreme Court decision today is a great victory for children with pre-existing conditions, for women who have been unfairly discriminated against, and the start to providing a solid groundwork for ensuring that all Americans can get the care they need.

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Larson Statement on Supreme Court Ruling on Citizens United

WASHINGTON – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT), one of the leading advocates for comprehensive campaign finance reform in the House, released the following statement on the Supreme Court decision to affirm the Citizens United ruling:

“I am deeply disappointed that, after seeing how harmful the torrent of unregulated, undisclosed, secret money they unleashed with Citizens United, the same five Justices have decided to double down and prevent states from acting to protect our elections when there is a clear cut need.

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GOP Running Out the Clock on the Middle Class

America’s top priority remains job creation. Yet in the year and a half since Republicans took control of the House of Representatives we’ve seen them focus on everything but jobs.

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House Dem Leaders: Bathtub Republicans Trying to Sink America

WASHINGTON – Noting that the clock is running out on the 112th Congress, House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) and Vice Chairman Xavier Becerra (CA) were joined by Congressman Tim Walz (MN) for a press avail after the Democratic Caucus meeting this morning to discuss the need to break the partisan gridlock to create jobs and get our country back to work by passing a transportation bill. You can watch the avail and read the transcript below:


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Larson Applauds Deferred Action for DREAMERS

WASHINGTON – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) released the following statement on the decision by the Administration to protect DREAM-eligible youth from deportation:

“I applaud President Obama and Secretary Napolitano. With immigration reform blocked by the Republican Congress, they made the right decision today to provide young people who would qualify for the Dream Act a little relief.

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House Democrats

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