Press Releases

Nov 28, 2012

Hank fighting foreclosures with Fourth District ‘HomeSafe’ event No. 2 in 2012

Issues: Consumer Protection, Justice, Civil Liberties, & Government Accountability
Nov 27, 2012

Rep. Hank Johnson stands up for Ambassador Susan Rice

Hank signs onto a House of Representatives letter in support of United Nations Ambassador Susan E. Rice.

Nov 15, 2012

Rep. Johnson receives 100% on civil rights voting record for 112th Congress

Issues: Justice, Civil Liberties, & Government Accountability

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights recently announced that U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson (GA-04) earned a 100 percent civil rights voting record for the 112th Congress.

Nov 8, 2012


Hank honors veterans at The Veterans Affairs Advisory Board program on Nov. 8.

Oct 25, 2012

Rep. Johnson works to protect Americans’ fundamental rights to privacy

Issues: Justice, Civil Liberties, & Government Accountability

Congressman Hank Johnson participated in a bipartisan House Judiciary Crime Subcommittee Field Forum on the domestic use of drones.

Oct 16, 2012

New report, same story: The Ryan Medicare plan hikes health costs for seniors

Rep. Johnson cites new Kaiser Foundation study showing the Ryan-Republican Medicare plan will increase premiums for millions of seniors on Medicare

Oct 5, 2012

Rep. Johnson aces economic equality report card

Issues: Consumer Protection, Economy and Jobs, Justice, Civil Liberties, & Government Accountability

Hank announced that he earned an “A+” and landed on the honor roll for the Institute for Policy Studies report card for supporting legislation and measures to narrow America’s widening economic divide.

Oct 2, 2012

Despite Republican recess, Hank in Washington working

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) today joined Democrats urging the House to return to work on the nation’s unfinished business from tax cuts to the deficit, the Farm Bill to saving the Postal Service.

Sep 27, 2012

Rep. Hank Johnson meets with members of DeKalb Chamber of Commerce

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) met with members of the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce today to discuss jobs, the economy and the looming “fiscal cliff.”
