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Thursday, October 30, 2008
Contact: Chris Jackson 202-225-2931
U.S. 411 crosses major milestone



Officials from the Federal Highway Administration have signed the Record of Decision (ROD) for the nationally recognized “411 Connector” project. This is another major milestone toward the construction of this important transportation artery for Northwest Georgia. In addition, this project is a key segment of a highway that will connect Atlanta to Memphis.

The US 411 Connector project is one of only 19 projects nationwide selected by the US Department of Transportation for their National Priority List, and was the only project chosen from the deep South.  The combined efforts and advocacy for this project by Rep. Phil Gingrey, Senators Chambliss and Isakson, Governor Perdue and the Bush Administration have advanced the 411 Connector project closer to construction than any previous point in the project’s 30 year history.

The signing of this document completes the exhaustive environmental regulations required for federally funded road projects, and allows the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) to begin exploring financing options for the long-awaited connection between US 411, at its interchange with US 41 west of Cartersville, Ga., and I-75. The project will separate through traffic from locally generated traffic, reducing congestion in the corridor.

“This ROD is proof that, by giving this project the attention it deserves, environmental streamlining works,” said Federal Highway Administrator Thomas J. Madison. “With today’s signing, hundreds of thousands of Georgia residents are nearer to the congestion relief they have waited years for.”

"Making the 411 Connector a reality for the people of Northwest Georgia has been one of my highest priorities since coming to Congress six years ago,” said Congressman Gingrey. “One of the first things I heard after being sworn in was, ‘What can you do about 411?’ With the signing of this ROD we take a major step forward in putting rubber to road, giving Northwest Georgians a much-needed connector to I-75.  I am proud to have worked with both Senators Chambliss and Isakson to secure $25 million in federal highway funding to help get this project started. I want to thank US Transportation Secretary Mary Peters and her staff for their hard work and diligence to complete this Record of Decision for the 411 Connector as well as the Georgia Department of Transportation. I will continue fighting to ensure that 411 remains a priority – both in Georgia and in Washington."

“I’m pleased to see the Federal Highway Administration sign this much-needed record of decision for the 411 Connector,” said Sen. Saxby Chambliss. “This is a major step toward getting this important project underway which will help relieve the congestion heading to Atlanta and Memphis.  So many folks have worked diligently over the years to get this project to this point and they deserve recognition for all of their hard work.”

“Today’s signing of the Record of Decision is a significant accomplishment and noteworthy day in the 30-year history of the 411 Connector project,” said Senator Johnny Isakson. “I appreciate the hard work by the Federal Highway Administration, Georgia Department of Transportation and especially the cooperation between the local governments and chambers of commerce in Bartow and Floyd counties whose persistence made this happen.  As the senior Republican on the Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure, I have worked closely with my colleagues Senator Chambliss and Congressman Gingrey to ensure this vital project was kept on track for the betterment of northwest Georgia.  Together, in conjunction with Bartow and Floyd counties, we celebrate today’s achievement.”

“I am glad to join with Senator Chambliss, Senator Isakson, Representative Gingrey and our federal partners today in marking the conclusion of the environmental review for the State Route 411 project,” said Governor Sonny Perdue.  “These elected officials have ensured that the environmental study was expedited and the project can now move forward to the next critical phases.”

"The ROD is a huge step forward,” said 11th District GDOT Board member David Doss. “This road has been needed for 30 years. The Governor, Phil, Johnny and Saxby have been a great team to get it further than it has ever been. Now it is up to the State to budget for the project. Like many other states in this current economy, GDOT is experiencing budgetary issues which we hope to resolve as soon as possible. Our federal officials made the 411 Connector one of their priority projects and I will work to make sure that it remains a priority project for Georgia. I will continue to work with the federal, state and local officials to push for its completion. The people of northwest Georgia have waited long enough for this connector.”

Now that the Record of Decision has been signed, the Georgia Department of Transportation will complete a financial plan for this project.  This will be a short term challenge given the structural reorganization and budget shortfalls at GDOT.  However, the $25 Million secured by Gingrey, Chambliss and Isakson will serve as a base for this funding. Securing the rest of the necessary funding for this important project will continue to be a priority for the federal and state officials who represent northwest Georgia. 

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