Press Releases

Joint House-Senate Conference on the Remaining FY 2012 Appropriations Bills Announced

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Washington, Dec 7, 2011 - House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers announced that the House and Senate will hold a joint Conference Committee meeting on the remaining fiscal year 2012 Appropriations bills on Thursday, December 8, at 11:00 am.

“This bicameral, bipartisan Conference Committee is the next step in completing all Appropriations work for the year. Members and Senators of both parties are working hard together to craft a package that funds the federal government in a responsible and timely fashion, and good progress is being made. It is our hope and expectation that we will have an agreement on this critical, must-pass legislation by the end of next week,” Rogers said.

“The most basic duty of Congress is to provide necessary funding for the core functions of government – including our national defense. This package will allow us to fulfill this responsibility, while cutting spending below last year to put federal budgets on a more sustainable path,” Rogers continued.

The House Conferees include 12 Republicans and 8 Democrats. Speaker of the House John Boehner has announced that the following Members will serve on the Conference Committee:

Appropriations Full Committee Chairman Hal Rogers
Rep. C.W. Bill Young, Chairman Emeritus
Rep. Jerry Lewis, Chairman Emeritus
Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen
Rep. Robert B. Aderholt
Rep. Jo Ann Emerson
Rep. Kay Granger
Rep. Mike Simpson
Rep. John Culberson
Rep. Ander Crenshaw
Rep. Denny Rehberg
Rep. John R. Carter

Appropriations Ranking Member Norm Dicks
Rep. Peter Visclosky
Rep. Nita Lowey
Rep. Jose Serrano
Rep. Rosa DeLauro
Rep. James Moran
Rep. David Price
Rep. Sanford Bishop

Conference Meeting Details:
Final FY 2012 Appropriations Bills
Joint House-Senate Conference Committee Meeting
Thursday, December 8
10:30 am
Room HC-5
Seating will be limited
Credentialed media only - One seat per news organization

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