North Dakota: Legendary. Follow the trail of legends


November 2014 Oil and Gas Lease Public Auction:   The November 2014 oil and gas lease auction will be held November 4, 2014 at the State Capitol, House Chambers, at 9:00 AM CT in Bismarck, ND.    View the auction list using this link.

Posted Tracts: Nearly all trust lands are open to non-vehicular public access for hunting.  Very few tracts of trust land are posted and then only with signs issued by the Department of Trust Lands. Click here to see the signs.  If you see signs not issued by the Department, call Jerry at 701-328-1919.  To view a live database listing of posted tracts, click here.  This database is always up to date.

Fall Surface Lease Auctions - Results:   Check here.

2014 USDA Cash Rent and Land Value Survey:   Click here for the latest survey.

Land Board Public Meeting Notices: Use this link to sign up for automatic notification of Land Board meeting information. Find this agency in the listing under ND Department of Trust Lands.

New Names:  Several thousand new names were recently added to the list of current and former North Dakota residents and businesses that have financial assets waiting to be claimed from the North Dakota Unclaimed Property office.   If you haven't checked for your name recently, now is as good a time as any.  Free and unlimited searches can be done by clicking here to search for your name or the name of your business.

1707 North 9th Street | PO Box 5523 | Bismarck, ND 58506-5523 | Telephone: (701)328-2800 | Fax: (701)328-3650