Democratic Recommendations to Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction

On October 13, 2011, Ranking Member Nick Rahall released the Democratic recommendations to the Join Select Committee on Deficit Reduction.
Image of Capitol from the air

Ranking Member Rahall Speaks at Rally for Roads

Rahall joined advocates from across the country at a May 25, 2011, Rally for Roads to talk about the importance of investing in America's future and creating transportation jobs.
Ranking Member Rahall Speaks at Rally for Roads feature image

Recovery Act Report Released

On August 9, 2011, the Committee released updated information on the implementation status of transportation and infrastructure provisions under the Recovery Act
Recovery Act Report Released feature image

Latest News

Rahall Presses FEMA to Expedite West Virginia Disaster Assistance

Dec 4, 2012 | Press Release 

Washington, DC – With thousands of West Virginia residents still waiting to hear if they will be eligible for individual disaster assistance following Superstorm Sandy, U.S. Rep. Nick J. Rahall, top Democrat on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, today pressed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to ensure that West Virginians affected by the Storm receive the full range of Federal assistance.

Rahall Applauds Shuster for Responsible Approach to Addressing Highway Fund

Nov 29, 2012 | Press Release 

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Nick J. Rahall, top Democrat on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, today applauded incoming Committee Chairman Bill Shuster for his recent comments that the Committee “look at all the options that are out there” in order to generate sustainable revenue for the Highway Trust Fund. Nearly identical comments from Mr. Rahall on the need to consider all options to bring the Trust Fund into balance drew sharp criticism from Speaker Boehner last year.

Rahall Legislation to Reinforce Indian Tribal Sovereignty During Major Disasters Approved by House

Sep 20, 2012 | Press Release 

Washington, D.C.– The House of Representatives has approved legislation authored by U.S. Representative Nick J. Rahall (D-WV), top Democrat on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, that solidifies Indian Country’s tribal sovereignty during major disasters and emergency situations. Rahall’s legislation was included as part of a larger bill to reauthorize the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) which was approved by voice vote on Wednesday evening.

Republican Surface Transportation Bill

The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on February 3, 2012, voted 29 to 24 to approve the Republican surface transportation bill (the "American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act" - H.R. 7).

State-by-State Job Losses Under H.R. 7

Democratic Dissenting Views of H.R. 7 (filed 2/10/12)

Democratic Analysis of H.R. 7

H.R. 7 State-by-State Investment Levels for Highways and Transit

H.R. 14, The "Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century" (MAP-21) Summary

H.R. 1

The House Republican Leadership's spending bill for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2012 proposes draconian and dangerous cuts to programs that keep America's economy moving forward.  The Republican spending bill proposes to slash more than $18 billion from transportation and infrastructure investments, which would threaten more than 300,000 American jobs.

Terminations, Cuts, and Rescissions of Transportation and Infrastructure Investments

State-by-State Cuts to Transportation and Infrastructure Investments

State-by-State Cuts to Clean Water State Revolving Fund Investments

Recovery Act Report

On August 9, 2011, the Committee released updated information on the implementation status of transportation and infrastructure provisions under the Recovery Act

Visit the Committee's Recovery Act Report page