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Hultgren to Host Veterans Forum

Geneva, IL – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today announced that he will be hosting a Veterans Forum on Tuesday, November 22 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the Batavia Overseas Post 1197 VFW in Batavia.

Congressman Hultgren will be joined by Duane Honeycutt, Director of the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office in Chicago (VARO), to discuss issues such as how to file a claim, the claim and appeal process, what documents are necessary to file a claim, the length of time to review a claim, as well as other issues that pertain to the VARO. Due to time constraints, the forum is not intended to raise individual concerns over specific cases.

"This forum is open to all veterans, their spouses, VSOs, and other individuals who may have concerns," said Hultgren. "We hope that this will be an educational forum, used to disseminate information about how to pursue cases, and to collect information from veterans to help the VARO better serve veterans in the future."

What: Congressman Randy Hultgren's Veterans Forum
When: Tuesday, November 22 from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Where: Batavia Overseas Post 1197 VFW, 645 South River Street, Batavia, IL
Why: For veterans to learn how to file a claim, the claim and appeal process, what documents are necessary to file a claim, the length of time to review a claim, as well as other issues that pertain to the Veterans Affairs Regional Office.