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Hultgren Statement on Obama's Call for Higher Small Business Taxes

WASHINGTON, D.C.- U.S. Representative Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today responded to President Obama’s call for a huge tax increase on the American people:

“Today the President claimed to have cut middle class taxes every year of his presidency.

“He conveniently left out one of the largest government expansions of all time- his health care law, which originally included 22 new tax increases (12 of which were direct taxes on the middle class, violating his own pledge).

“The Treasury inspector general who oversees the IRS was just quoted saying that the law ‘includes the largest set of tax law changes in more than 20 years.’

“What the President is advocating is a tax hike that has already been rejected by the House, the Senate, and the American people. We don’t have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem, and this is not the time to be raising taxes on anyone, especially not job creators.

“Unemployment has been above 8 percent for 41 months now. U.S. Census data tells us that small businesses employ more than 25 percent of the total workforce. Insisting on a small business tax hike is the last way to create jobs.”
