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Hultgren Launches American Job Creators

Sycamore, IL – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today announced his involvement in the American Job Creators initiative during a small business roundtable meeting in Sycamore. American Job Creators enables business owners from across the 14th District to share with Congressman Hultgren which regulations are the most burdensome or otherwise holding them back.

“Private sector job-creators are confronting an avalanche of red tape from Washington bureaucrats, with more on the way,” said Hultgren. “American Job Creators gives them a way to make their voice heard and enables me to fight for them in Congress. By communicating to me which regulations or agencies are the most burdensome, I can be the most effective advocate for the 14th District’s job creators. I look forward to hearing from business owners of all sizes in the weeks and months ahead.”

In conjunction with his announcement, Hultgren released a video discussing American Job Creators and his involvement.

In October, Hultgren introduced H.R. 3068, the Regulatory Sunset and Review Act of 2011, which establishes a responsible process to identify, review, and, if necessary, terminate regulations that are no longer needed and serve no beneficial purpose.