How to File a Bid Protest

A protest is considered “filed” when it is received by GAO by 5:30 p.m., Eastern time. Bid Protest Regulations, 4 C.F.R. § 21.0(f).

Protests may be sent by e-mail, fax, the Postal Service, or commercial carrier or delivered by hand. 


Government Accountability Office
General Counsel
Attn.: Procurement Law Control Group
441 G Street, NW.
Washington, DC 20548

Other protest-related filings should be directed to the GAO attorney assigned to the protest. 

If delivery problems arise, advise either the GAO attorney assigned to the protest or the appropriate GAO Assistant General Counsel.


Protests and related documents filed by e-mail should be sent to

Once your filing has been received at GAO, you will receive an automated reply advising that a file number and attorney will be assigned to the filing. The reply also will advise that the filing information and status of the filing are available on our online Bid Protest Docket, accessible via the Legal Products link on GAO's home page or by calling our protest status line at 202-512-5436. If you do not receive an automated reply, GAO did not receive your e-mail filing. To ensure your filing is received in a time manner, send your filing by another method or call the bid protest status line for assistance.


Fax all protests and related documents to 202-512-9749.

Hand delivery

Protests and related filings must be delivered to GAO's mail center located on the 4th Street side of the GAO building.  The center is open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Packages must be labeled using one of the following:

    • Procurement Law Control Group,
    • Bid Protest,
    • PLCG,
    • Name of GAO attorney, or
    • Contract Appeals Board.

Packages will be scanned and may be opened and searched. After any inspection, packages will be stamped with a time and date to indicate when packages are considered officially received.  

Mail and commercial carriers: Regular Postal Service mail should not be used for time-sensitive packages. After any inspection, packages will be stamped with a time and date to indicate when packages are considered officially received.