This is Small Business America

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Published on Nov 30, 2012 by

House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) released "This is Small Business America," a video highlighting the small business S corporations like Gorski Engineering and its 17 employees whose taxes stand to increase if President Obama's tax hike goes into effect.

November 30, 2012 | Office of the Majority Whip


News & Politics


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  • Democrats represent the poor and their only interest is in creating more poverty to expand their base.

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  • I sure hope they keep their promise.

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  • Actually comes out to running the gov for 8 days.

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  • Hey, dipshit, the Republicans never had supermajorities. The Democrats did from 2009-2010, the first 2 years fo the Obama administration. Tim Geitner is Obama's Treasury Secretary. You don't know what you're talking about.

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  • You know what is a Joke? When Buffet pays his secretary $200k a yr and takes an salary of $150k a yr to avoid taxes on billions and you don't call BS. I hope every last republican votes "present", let it go. Let the admin and everyone else tow the party line. Then whatever happens - happens. I'd like to see the faces on the 20 somethings that are young enough to never draw a paycheck without the Boosh tax cuts & think like you. Tax cuts for the rich, my ass. Misery loves company, welcome.

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  • What negative came out of the tax cuts? That people got to keep a little more of their money? I'm sure people weren't complaining when the government sent everyone a couple hundred dollar check, did they?

    The problem is raising the taxes PAYS FOR NOTHING. it won't even run government for a week. There has to be some serious spending cuts to solve our problem. The equation here is simple obamacare + Tax hike = people laid off, fired, or having their hours cut.

    That's what everyone wants?

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  • Republicans should have thought about it when Bush forced those two huge tax cuts in the 2001/3. Many democrats opposed at that time because we were fighting wars. But Bush wanted those cuts for his buddies and threw a few bread crumbs to little people. If it was such a bad idea, republicans should have reversed when they were controlling everything. The 10 year limit was also republican idea. So stop whining now.

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  • campaign is over you can stop repeating talking points. Glad you mentioned 2007-2009, who was in charge? Who had the Super majority that controlled the purse strings? Who put the bankers in charge of government e.g. William Daley from JP Morgan Chase=White House Chief of Staff, Gene Sperling from Goldman Sachs as director of the National Economic Council. Eileen Rominger from Goldman Sachs as director of the SEC’s Investment Management division. On & on it goes, Tim Geithner, Goldman Sachs. FAHQ

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  • We're being taxed for the banking system's folly. They looted the govt in 2007-2009, and this is the consequence - the govt trying to tax everyone else who had no part in causing the crisis to pay for the looting. As long as the GOP continues to support pro-Wall St. policies and block reform and reregulation, any claims about how they 'protect' small business are hypocritical. Their pro-financial crisis policies directly harm small business much worse than anything the Dems do.

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  • Where was this a month ago? The organized Republican Party failed America by not putting out any of this sort of stuff out to educate voters.

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  • Don't forget, you didn't build that.

    God help our nation. We are on the brink of forgoing our founding. Through hook or by crook we've elected ourselves a despot.

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  • 0bama - while we ask the wealthy to pay "a little more" can you possibly ask the 47% to pay "something?"

    Something as in more than zero? Wonder what their "fair share" is......?

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