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House Committee on Energy and Commerce - Washington, DC

House Committee on Energy and Commerce
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    • Barry Schmittou
      Obama can be destroyed with the bribery and mass manslaughter evidence I discovered. Obama is protecting multiple insurance companies that ignore life threatening medical conditions when patients file claims in five types of insurance. You’ll see government documents that prove insurance company executives also rigged huge bids to increase group sales of these same policies while giving Obama large sums of money !! One year later these executives signed page 5 of the DOJ agreement where no one was prosecuted for bid rigging and “related fraudulent conduct”. The bribery damages continue because I have overwhelming evidence that proves MetLife continues to ignore life threatening medical conditions right now. That is a direct violation of multiple parts of the DOJ bid rigging agreement where no one was prosecuted !but Obama doesn’t care !! Many citizens have publicly and privately requested action on the evidence (including two well known regional business leaders). Republican Congressional leaders Issa, Blackburn and Grassley have done nothing after receiving many requests for action !! The only response I received was a call from Mrs. Blackburn’s assistant in Washington who said “health insurance is a state issue” Words can’t describe how absurd it is for Blackburn to say all the U.S. Title 29 laws and other Federal laws that are being violated repeatedly are “state issues” Here’s a small portion of the Federal laws that are being violated : U.S. Title 29 1104 mandates: “ a fiduciary shall discharge his duties with respect to a plan solely in the interest of the participants with care, skill, prudence, and diligence” U.S. Title 29 also requires : “The claims procedures contain administrative processes and safeguards designed to ensure and to verify that benefit claim determinations are made in accordance with governing plan documents and that, where appropriate, the plan provisions have been applied consistently with respect to similarly situated claimants.” (Title 29 CFR 2560.503-1 – section (b)(5)” Law # 3 Destroyed U.S. Title 29 also requires MetLife and other insurance companies to have : “The claims procedures do not contain any provision, and are not administered in a way, that unduly inhibits or hampers the initiation or processing of claims for benefits.” (Title 29 CFR 2560.503-1 – section (b)(3) Law # 4 Destroyed U.S. Title 29 also requires MetLife and other insurance companies to have : “Provide for a review that takes into account all comments, documents, records, and other information submitted” (Title 29 CFR 2560.503-1 Section (h)(2)(iv) Law # 5 Destroyed Title 29 U.S.C. 1141 mandates : "It shall be unlawful for any person through the use of fraud to restrain or attempt to restrain any participant or beneficiary for the purpose of interfering with or preventing the exercise of any right to which he is or may become entitled under the plan, this title. Any person who willfully violates this section shall be fined $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both. The amount of fine is governed by 18 U.S.C. § 3571. In exchange for agreeing to these laws the insurance companies are allowed to sell trillions of dollars in policies and they cannot be sued for punitive damages even if they cause patients deaths !! All these violations are a dangerous distraction to patient’s medical treatment and surgery. The stress can be devastating !!!! Words cannot describe how absurd it is for Blackburn to say all these Federal violations are “state issues” If the Republican leaders refuse to take action and Obama wins this election then the Republican leaders have greatly assisted Obama in his win. Additionally any member of Congress who ignores the evidence of criminal destruction of thousands of lives every year are an accessory to this mass suffering and manslaughter. I believe God will hold them accountable for the destruction of lives they are willfully ignoring !! Quotes from four law Professors prove these crimes are openly committed and it is federal laws that are being violated : Here are two excerpts from the full evidence : John Marshall Law School Professor Mark Debofsky wrote: “empirical evidence is now available that shows insurers operating under ERISA have systematically engaged in the wrongful denial of claims.” (Please note Professor Debofsky wrote insurers in the plural) Professor Joseph Belth from Indiana University wrote : "They've turned Erisa on its head. It was supposed to protect employees, and it's being used to protect insurers." (ERISA is the abbreviation for the U.S. Title 29 laws that regulate employee benefit health plans of all the 150 million Americans who work for private businesses and corporations in America) URGENT NOTE – We have 51 Judges and four law Professors saying there’s a dangerous problem for 150 million Americans !! OBAMA, ISSA, GRASSLEY AND BLACKBURN DO NOT SEEM TO CARE !!!! Many of the Republican and Democrat leaders receive large contributions from insurance companies and corporations. I can’t think of any other reason they would knowingly turn their back on such tremendous destruction of lives. It’s hard to believe they can be so heartless while publicly claiming to be Christian leaders. The overwhelming evidence of Obama’s bribery is seen at Links to the DOJ bid rigging documents that have Obama contributor signatures and the specific bribery evidence are seen in Exhibit A of that website. That is just one of ten patterns of deadly corporate crimes Obama is protecting while receiving contributions from the criminals and no one is being prosecuted. You can see all ten patterns at Please remember this evidence was presented under oath in writing to Mrs. Blackburn and the Congressional Committees. A small portion of the evidence mentioned here will be repeated on those websites that have extensive evidence of patterns pof deadly corporate crimes. I have done everything possible and I pray many will contact Mrs. Blackburn and demand action. Her contact information is seen at the top of the last link. If they tell you the criminal evidence I submitted is a “state issues” please tell them that is far beyond absurd and many more will die if they continue to do nothing !! Isaiah 1:17 says : “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.” James Chapter 1 verse 22 says : “Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves” I pray God will compel all citizens to demand our elected officials will stop this mass manslaughter now !! Sincerely, Barry Schmittou
      2 · about 2 months ago
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  4. Photo: Earlier today, Barry Cadden, the head of the New England Compounding Center which has been linked to the deadly meningitis outbreak, invoked his 5th Amendment rights and refused to answer questions at today's Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee hearing.
  5. Photo: Mrs. Joyce Lovelace, whose husband Judge Eddie Lovelace died after receiving a contaminated injection, provides heartfelt testimony at today's hearing on the deadly fungal meningitis outbreak. Mrs. Lovelace, who resides in Kentucky, is accompanied by Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY).
  6. Photo: "I was stunned and angered to learn that an inspection of the NECC by the FDA and the Mass Board over 10 years ago identified contamination in the very same drug at issue in the current outbreak.  The reason for that inspection? Patients had been hospitalized with meningitis-like symptoms.  Ten years later, we are in the midst of an unthinkable, worst-case scenario - the body count is growing by the day - and hundreds have fallen ill. This is simply inexcusable." --Chairman Fred Upton at today's meningitis hearing.

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