August Jobs Numbers Continue Trend of Lackluster Growth

New York – Congressman Bob Turner (NY-09) released the following statement regarding the underwhelming August 2012 jobs report.

“The numbers do not lie. For yet another month we have received a bleak jobs report. The policies set forth to accomplish the goal of restoring our economy to its prominence by President Obama are clearly not working. Our unemployment rate has remained above eight percent for 43 consecutive months. Things have gotten so dire, that over 368,000 of our family, friends, and neighbors have given up looking for work, an absolutely unacceptable statistic. What’s worse, while millions of Americans remain out of work or underemployed, our national debt has soared past $16 trillion and the cost of living has skyrocketed thanks to surging gas prices and health care costs only increasing the financial burden on American families already struggling to get by. It is time to change our approach to the economy to start making a real dent in bringing the unemployment rate down.”

Congressman Bob Turner represents New York’s 9th Congressional district and serves on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, and House Committee on Homeland Security.

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