Press Releases

Burgess Named Vice Chair of Two Energy and Commerce Subcommittees
November 28, 2012  -Burgess Named Vice Chair of Two Energy and Commerce Subcommittees Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) was named Vice Chair of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations and will continue to serve as the Vice Chair of the Subcommittee on Health. Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI... More

Burgess Honors Local Veterans
November 9, 2012  -Burgess Honors Local Veterans “While we have singled out these veterans for recognition, I want to extend my deepest appreciation to all veterans for your service to the United States of America.” Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) recognized the five veterans who received this year’s 26th... More

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Burgess in the News

Dr. Burgess on Fox Business: The Future of Health Care
November 17, 2012  -Dr. Burgess appeared on Fox Business and spoke with Tom Sullivan about the future of health care in America. You can watch the video below. More

Dr. Burgess' Op-Ed: EPA could waive ban on Primatene Mist inhalers for asthmatics
November 13, 2012  - EPA could waive ban on Primatene Mist inhalers for asthmatics By Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. Dr. Burgess’ Op-Ed was published on The Hill’s website November 13, 2012 For years I have used a common over-the-counter emergency asthma inhaler called Primatene Mist. Like many asthma sufferers who find themselves awake at 2a... More

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Weekly Video Addresses

Weekly Video Address: Transportation in North Texas
November 30, 2012  -This week Dr. Burgess provides an update on transportation in North Texas. On Monday, Dr. Burgess held the 10th Annual 26th Congressional District of Texas Transportation Summit along with the Texas Department of Transportation at the University of North Texas.You can watch the video below. To read a transcript of the video clic... More

Weekly Video Address: Blessings of Fruitful Fields and Healthful Skies
November 21, 2012  -This week Dr. Burgess' address focuses on the message of giving thanks. You can watch the video below. To read a transcript of the video click here. More

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Floor Statements

Dr. Burgess on the Floor: Frisco City Councilman Captain Tim Nelson
November 27, 2012  -Dr. Burgess spoke on the House Floor and recognized Frisco City Council member Tim Nelson who just returned home from Afghanistan. You can watch the video below. More

Dr. Burgess on the Floor: No More Solyndras
September 14, 2012  -Dr. Burgess spoke on the House Floor in support of the No More Solyndras Act that the House will vote on today. You can watch the video below. More

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Committee Statements

Dr. Burgess at Committee: No More Solyndras Act Opening Statement
July 24, 2012  -Dr. Burgess delivers his opening statement at the No More Solyndras Act mark-up. You can watch the video below. More

Dr. Burgess at Committee: Questioning Secretary Chu
March 8, 2012  -Dr. Burgess questions Secretary Chu at the Energy and Commerce Committee Hearing. You can watch the video below. More

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Avoiding the Fiscal Cliff
November 30, 2012  -House Republicans understand the fiscal cliff must be averted, and have proposed a bipartisan framework that would accomplish this through significant spending cuts and tax reform with lower rates, consistent with the ‘balanced’ approach President Obama has said he wants. Democrats in Congress have downplayed the danger of going... More

Burgess Statement on HHS Health Insurance Market Reforms
November 20, 2012  -Dr. Burgess released the following statement after Health and Human Services issued the proposed rule to implement provisions of the Affordable Care Act related to health insurance market reforms: "Two weeks following the 2012 election, the Obama administration has released over three hundred pages of proposed regulations in an ... More

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Letters from Dr. Burgess

Letter to Sebelius and Freiden West Nile
October 16, 2012  -On October 12, 2012, Dr. Burgess sent a letter to Secretary Kathleen Sebelius of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and to Director Tom Frieden of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention regarding the West Nile outbreak in Texas. To read the letter as a PDF document, please select the image below. More

Letter to President Obama
September 25, 2012  - On September 25, 2012, Dr. Burgess sent a letter to President Barack H. Obama regarding the attack in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. To read the letter as a PDF document, please select the image below. More

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