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Berg Joins Congressional Coal Caucus

Washington, D.C. – Today Congressman Rick Berg affirmed his commitment to supporting North Dakota’s coal and energy industries by announcing his membership in the Congressional Coal Caucus.

“Common-sense regulation and stable policies are vital so that our coal producers are able to invest in technology that will make coal an even cleaner source of American energy,” Congressman Berg stated. “North Dakota’s coal industry has created thousands of jobs and provides our state with a reliable source of electricity.  I look forward to working with the Caucus to further an energy policy that encourages the development of clean coal and ensures this industry’s ability to provide America with affordable energy.”

The Congressional Coal Caucus is a bipartisan group chaired by Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito (WV-02).  The Caucus is committed to raising awareness of coal’s value as an affordable energy resource and advancing an energy policy that makes coal cleaner to use, rather than reducing its use.

Coal provided 87.4 percent of North Dakota’s electric power generation in 2009, according to the National Association for Mining.  North Dakota ranks seventh in the nation in energy affordability and ninth in coal production.  Direct and indirect employment generated by coal mining in North Dakota also accounts for 3,860 jobs and a combined payroll of $190 million.

Rep. Berg is one of two freshman members of Congress serving on the House Ways and Means Committee.  He was also selected to serve on the Subcommittees for Select Revenue Measures, Human Resources, and Social Security.


