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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

Full Committee

June 7, 2012
H.R. 4297, "Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012"
Ordered favorably reported, as amended, to the House by a vote of 23-15.

H.R. 4297 was ordered favorably reported, as amended, to the House by a vote of 23 to 15. Roll Call No. 15

Archived Webcast

Opening Statements:

Press Release and Markup Photo Album:

Amendments and Motions Offered:

Click on the amendment number for a PDF of the text

Offered by     Description Action Taken Roll Call 
1 Mrs. Foxx amendment in the nature of a substitute adopted by voice vote .
2 Mr. Tierney democratic substitute amendment to reauthorize the Workforce Investment Act defeated 15-23 No. 1
3 Mr. Heck includes small business identification in State and local plans adopted by voice vote .
4 Mr. Hinojosa restore priority of services for low-income individuals defeated 14-23 No. 2
en bloc
5 Mrs. Noem increases the secretary's set-aside from 1 percent to 2 percent for Indian tribes and require tribal employment & training programs to meet performance indicators adopted by voice vote .
6 Mr. Hinojosa amendment to increase the scope and effectiveness of adult education, literacy, and workplace skills programs defeated 14-23 No. 2
en bloc
7 Mrs. Foxx amendment regarding Veterans Workforce Programs adopted by voice vote (as amended) .
7a Mr. Miller amendment to the Foxx amendment #7 to strengthen accountability of veterans employment training programs adopted by voice vote .
8 Mr. Scott address employment barriers facing long-term unemployed in State and local workforce plans adopted by voice vote .
9 Mr. Scott ensure employment opportunities, such as summer jobs, for low-income and disconnected youth defeated 15-23 No. 3
10 Mr. Scott establish separate funding for youth services defeated 16-22 No. 4
11 Mr. Kildee increase funding for Native American programs defeated 15-23 No. 5
12 Ms. Woolsey expand training opportunities for women in non-traditional employment defeated 15-23 No. 6
13 Mr. Bishop establish workforce board criteria and prohibition of funds for employers engaged in outsourcing activities defeated 15-23 No. 7
14 Mr. Holt reauthorize the Rehabilitation Act defeated 15-23 No. 8
15 Mr. Platts restore the YouthBuild Program defeated 17-21 No. 9
16 Mr. Bishop add co-op education as an allowable statewide training activity defeated 16-22 No. 10
17 Mr. Andrews strengthen reporting and performance data on how disadvantaged, and all populations are served adopted by voice vote .
18 Mr. Holt establish a 15 percent cap on funds for incumbent worker training amended by unanimous consent and withdrawn .
19 Mr. Miller provide assistance for employment and reemployment opportunities in the construction industry through school and community college modernization defeated 15-23 No. 11
20 Mr. Holt add libraries as allowable local employment and training activity defeated 18-20 No. 12
21 Mr. Holt establish national on-line workforce training grants defeated by voice vote .
22 Mr. Loebsack establish a set-aside of funding for industry and sector-partnerships defeated 17-21 No. 13
23 Mrs. Davis require veterans representatives on state workforce boards adopted by voice vote .
23a Mrs. Foxx amendment to the Davis amendment #23 to allow appointment of veterans service organization to state and local workforce boards adopted 21-17 No. 14
24 Mr. Holt establish a 15 percent cap on funds for incumbent worker training defeated by voice vote .
motion Mr. Petri report the bill to the House as amended adopted 23-15 No. 15

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