Weather for Weiser
Today Monday Tuesday Wednesday
It is forcast to be Mostly Cloudy at 11:00 PM MST on December 09, 2012
Mostly Cloudy
It is forcast to be Chance of Snow at 11:00 PM MST on December 10, 2012
Chance of Snow
It is forcast to be Chance of Rain at 11:00 PM MST on December 11, 2012
Chance of Rain
It is forcast to be Chance of Rain at 11:00 PM MST on December 12, 2012
Chance of Rain

Beautiful Idaho



Great people and great times, that's what it's all about! We hope you and yours are safe and happy this holiday season and wish you all the best. Thanks for spending your holidays with us in beautiful Washington County.

County Courthouse
256 East Court
Weiser, ID 83672-0670
