Blogger's Corner

Oct 24, 2012

Blogger’s Corner- Creating Statist Dependency: The U.S. Spends More on Welfare than Defense

Issues: Role of Government, Transparency, and Civility, Spending Cuts and Debt

Alexis de Tocqueville famously wrote of America that “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.” Last week, it was reported by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service that welfare spending in the United States has jumped 32% in the past four years.

Jun 17, 2012

Blogger's Corner: Father’s Day Message: A Special Message Honoring Dads in the Military

Issues: Veterans

As we approach Father’s Day this year, I have been touched by many stories of people who reside in my district and throughout Arizona whose fathers are currently overseas serving our nation. Jedediah Noble is one such father from Ganado, AZ on the Navajo Nation whose story has touched my heart.

Jun 7, 2012

Bloggers Corner- The Final Frontier for Civil Rights

Issues: Health, Role of Government, Transparency, and Civility

In response to last week’s vote on The Prenatal Non-Discrimination Act and video from Arizona released today by HotAir Congressman Paul Gosar penned the following blog

May 17, 2012

Bloggers Corner-Addressing The New Realities of Labor Unions: Why Congress Must Protect American Workers

Unions are seen by some as common, blue collar folks banding together to stand up to heartless corporations and white collar fat cats. But this is no longer true. Modern unions are often white collar, not blue collar. Often, they stand against taxpayers, not fat cats.

Apr 4, 2012

Bloggers Corner- Obamacare Goes To The U.S. Supreme Court: The People Rise Up

Issues: Health, Role of Government, Transparency, and Civility
Feb 8, 2012

Bloggers Corner- Rounding Up the Usual Suspects—Accounting Tricks and Tomfoolery

A recent CBO reports suggests The Obama Administration and their allies in Congress are playing the role of Captain Renault from the classic film "Casablanca".

Jan 19, 2012

Bloggers Corner – SOPA A FLAWED POLICY

Issues: Role of Government, Transparency, and Civility

"Our economic freedom and freedom of speech, fundamental constitutionally given rights, are too valuable to risk giving these sweeping powers to the federal government."

Nov 22, 2011

Bloggers Corner - The Scary Truth: Who Is Misleading Seniors?

Issues: Health, Role of Government, Transparency, and Civility, Spending Cuts and Debt